Rocketship Empires 1936 In Fury Triumphant(1), Podreczniki RPG, Rocketship Empires 1936

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by Edward M. Kann
Rocketship Empires 1936
Rocketship Empires 1936
The War in Spain
Edward M Kann
The Tubepunk Gods of Art
Mike Doscher
Chris Pickrell
Jonny Ledford
with guest
Tero Niemi
Keith Curtis
Edward M. Kann
“You see me
Table of Contents
Introduction p6
The War in Spain p7
How to win a War p8
Factions p9
Repercussions p12
Chapter 2: Blood Guns and Money p17
Casablanca Map p18
Careers p19
Order of Battle p21
Campaign Star Map p23-24
Chapter 3: Toledo p25
Chapter 4: New Galicia p35
Chapter 5: New Madrid p43
Chapter 6: Outer Systems p61
Valencia System p61
Malaga System p62
Teruel System p63
Guernica System p65
Ebro System p65
The Purvyans p66
Author’s Note
An unusually cold wind from the North country
blows the smoke and ash from burning farms and jun-
gle back on us in great choking clouds for hours. Our
guides joke that it is a curse thrown down the moun-
tain side by the Royalists for bearing arms against the
It should be noted here that much of the fun of
alternate history, particularly when it comes to science
fiction is contained within the fiction. History buffs
will immediately recognize the changes and variations
both small and sweeping cast onto these pages through
the broad strokes of the pen. Please understand that this
was never meant to be a work based in any history other
than that which can be found within the pulp pages of
the Galactic Geographic Society; which as any sea-
soned rocketeer is aware, are available at news stands
at most starports.
From our vantage point at the peek before the
descent into the worst of the San Sebastian killing fields
we can make out government troops in their third val-
iant push for the road since dawn.
Just when it seemed that the fighting had finally
turned in the favor of the Republic, the sky was filled
with the whistling scream of engines and three of the
ugly armored DO-17 assault transports made a descent
out of the sky with a sound like a trio of New York sub-
way trains. The beasts coughed out fountains of metal
and death from powerful weapons mounted in their
nose. Upon landing two Italian tanks and one of the
German’s new two legged walkers, the first we’d had a
good look at in the conflict, rolled out to engage.
Assault in San Sebastian
08 February, 1936
The Galactic Geographic Magazine
By Jake Halloway
Since six o’clock in the morning I have watched
the popular government troops based out of Guipuzcoa
pound rebel positions with mortar and artillery fire in
the once quiet and fertile crescent of the San Sebastian
farm district. The attack seems aimed at securing the
Corona road which runs through the heart of San Se-
bastian and serves the entire region as its major artery.
Failure to occupy the only decent road through this
wild and jungle choked countryside insures that noth-
ing moves through it, aside from the civilians scurrying
to avoid the hurtling shell fire and the occasional charge
of an enraged dinosaur, driven mad by a bullet or the
sound of the barrage. The appearance of such a beast
sends fighters under any flag into a panic of rapid fire
until the beast is dispatched.
The arrival of enemy reinforcements pushed the
government troops grudgingly back from the Via Co-
rona and that was that. The rebels with their foreign
allies seemed reluctant to move out of their positions
for the day and fighting once again subsided into a lull
broken only by the intermittent crack of a rifle.
About an hour later we were roused out of a late
breakfast by the whine of rebel mortar rounds. This
correspondent is not exaggerating that he and the dirt
floor of the farm house became closely acquainted as
six shells burst within a few yards of our farm. With a
brave, “Let’s get the hell out of here!” we heel and toed
it out the back door diving for the concealment of the
heavy jungle waiting to receive us…
This is the third such assault by Republican
troops in as many days but it is the closest so far to the
stone farm where my camera man and I have holed up.
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