RunePunk Night of the Hunters, Podreczniki RPG, RunePunk
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A RunePunk
One Sheet for Savage Worlds
In the cellar there are 20 or so ScatterPoint citizens, all
bound and gagged. In the rafters above, the Nachtjager
wait to strike. ere is one Nachtjager per hero. Treat this
as the encounter before, the jobbers must all make Notice
rolls at -2, due to darkness penalties, or they will not be
dealt in on the fi rst round of combat and the Nachtjagers
will attack unopposed. Any Nachtjagers that are shaken
will attempt to fl ee upon unshaking; those that are killed
vanish into smoke as before.
e citizens of the Nightmarket laud the characters as
heroes, and welcome them into their stalls like family.
e character’s may not have made a fi stful of Royals out
of this deal, but at least they have one place in the city
they can always come to for a free hot meal, or a place
to sleep when they are in need. e characters have also
earned the enmity of any surviving Nachtjagers, who
don’t appreciate the characters getting in the way of their
It’s third shift in ScatterPoint, and your jobbers are
heading to a Nightmarket to grab a bite to eat. Typically,
the Nightmarket is a bustling agora full of people, but
tonight it’s eerily quiet. A fog has rolled in, the lights
fl icker low, and there’s a disturbing lack of people.
Walking along the street reveals no sign of life. Visibility
is severely reduced in the fog; the jobbers can see no more
than 30 feet (10 inches).
If the PCs call out, or attempt to break into a stall,
they’ll fi nd themselves faced with a hatchet-wielding
baker by the name of eodore V’sault, who is clearly
terrifi ed from some recent experience. He’ll need to be
talked down with a Persuasion roll before he can provide
any rational information. Once calmed, eodore will
explain that “they” came just as the market was opening,
sweeping out of the fog like shades and kidnapping
everyone. Luckily, eodore managed to hide himself in
his stall before he was noticed. Questioning eodore
about who “they” are will be met with a terse head shake
unless a Persuasion roll is attempted at -2. If they succeed,
Nachtjagers are a brood of vampire unique to
ScatterPoint. Some say the Nachtjager are the result
of Talus experiments, but in truth none but the foul
breed themselves know their origin. ese beasts hunt
the shadows and fog of the city, searching for victims to
feed their unholy thirst. Nachtjagers are not solitary
predators, but hunt in packs, which makes them all the
more dangerous.
Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d10, Strength
d10, Vigor d10
Fighting d8, Guts d8, Intimidation d8, Stealth
d10, Notice d10
: 6;
Special Abilities
Str + d6
Nachtjager can walk (or run) on walls or
ceilings just as if they were on the ground.
+2 Toughness, +2 recover from being shaken;
no wound penalties; immune to poison, disease, and gas;
no additional damage from called shots.
Nachtjager suff er no penalty from darkness
Light sensitive:
Nachtjagers hate bright light and will
suff er a -2 penalty in brightly lit places. In addition, a
focused beam of bright light can be used as an attack,
causing 1d6 damage
Weakness (Sunlight): Nachtjagers catch fi re if any part
of their skin is exposed to sunlight. After that, they
suff er 2d10 damage per round. Armor does not protect
them from this damage.
Nachtjagers do not like to go toe to toe with
an adversary. ey prefer quick, hit and run attacks, or
ambushes. If forced to fi ght, the Nachtjager will fl ee
the fi rst opportunity it gets after it has been shaken at
least once. After recovering from a shaken result, the
Nachtjager will fl ee the combat and escape into the
eodore, weeping from fear, says “
e Nachtjager have
come… we are all doomed.”
If calmed su ciently, eodore can be convinced to lead
the jobbers to where he saw his friend vanish, just across
the lane from his stall. eodore says his friend Alain
Trusman vanished on that very spot. e jobbers will
need to make Notice rolls at -2. Success reveals scuff
marks made by the heels of someone’s boots as they
were dragged away. A Tracking roll, or another Notice
roll at -2, uncovers footprints that lead down the lane
and then up the side of a building. As the jobbers are
observing this, a Nachtjager will spring from the fog and
attacks. Have the jobbers make Notice rolls, those that
fail are not dealt in the fi rst round and the Nachtjager
can attack them with impunity.
ose that do are dealt
in as normal.
If the Nachtjager is overmatched it will attempt to fl ee,
running up the wall to escape. If the Nachtjager is killed,
it will turn to smoke in front of the character’s eyes. e
characters will either have to follow the Nachtjager or
its tracks, both of which lead back to a warehouse just
outside the Nightmarket. e warehouse is run-down,
and looks like it hasn’t been used in years. Investigating
the warehouse is slow work. Dangers include rotting
fl oors that will fall away, necessitating Agility rolls. If the
PC fails, he falls one story and takes appropriate falling
damage. Lighting penalties apply a -2 to all combat rolls
and Notice rolls involving sight. e jobbers must make
a cooperative Notice roll at -4 to fi nd a trap door leading
to the cellar which is in much better repair than the rest
of the warehouse.
Visit our website at for maps,
character sheets, One Sheets
, and more for
Reality Blurs: RunePunk
, Copyright 2008
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