Rogue Trader Genestealer Cults(1), Podreczniki RPG, Rogue Trader

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A m p l E
h A r A C t E r s
u l t s
C r e d i ts
r i t t e n
b y
Pascal Manders (Santiago)
r t
Sam Bowen (Emissery)
o n t r i b u t o r s
A y o u t
n d y i n g
h A n k s
Sam Bowen
(for her love and understanding)
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An Early Warning
An Early Warning
roups of oficers enter the auditorium, commissioned oficers and non-commissioned oficers alike, Adep-
tus Arbites and PDF, voices echo in the large hall, wondering why they were called here for this meeting.
Minutes seem like hours until an old stern man steps to the lecturing chair.
“Attention, would everybody please sit down” –
he spoke.
“My name is Magister Gregorius Nominus, I am servant of the Ordo Xenos of the most holy Emperor’s Inquisition.”
Immediately everyone sat down, all was silent.
The old man scraped his throat, walked to the blackboard and wrote on it with big letters: “C
o r p o r a p t o r
o m i n i s
“Does anybody in this room know what this is?”
– he asked loudly, and not a soul spoke
“No, I thought not. The Corporaptor Hominis is one of the greatest threats to the Imperium; some say this threat is even greater than that of the
Ruinous Powers and their great leets. Today I will lecture you on the behaviour and methods of the Corporapator Hominis better known as the
Genestealer or Clawiend, though the last name is highly inaccurate.”
Loud murmurs illed the auditorium for a moment.
“They are among us, they are clawing at the roots of our society and they are very, very dangerous”
– the Magister pushed a button on the
lecturing chair and a large image of the dreaded genestealer appeared on the large Holo-Screen.
“How can these monsters hide amongst us? They don’t even look human”
– a young junior oficer spoke.
“How right you are”
– the Magister said – “
and yet so wrong, Genestealers have the unique ability to infect humans with their Gene Seed
and so to mutate them so that they can bear Genestealer young, though these children are not full Genestealers but they are connected to their so
called Hive Mind as are their mutated parents.
These children reach adulthood at an astounding rate and thus able to sire a new generation, each generation looks more human; they are smart,
they are the epitome of the predator’s evolution. These “humans” of Genestealer descent are still completely loyal to their nest and will start
iniltrating all layers of our blessed Imperial society, breaking down our structures from within.
A nest, a so called Genestealer Cult can reach adulthood within ifty years; they will call out to their brethren across the stars, and will tell them
the planet is ready for consumption and when such a Hive Fleet answers the call of the Cult, the planet is doomed.
They will sabotage the planets defences as the Hive Fleet approaches, crippling our ability to effectively defend ourselves.”
An older oficer called out – “
you speak of these creatures as if you respect them, admire them, that is heresy!”
“I will decide what is and is not heresy! The creatures I am describing to you are part of a species that can only be described as the perfect preda-
– the old Magister almost shouted – “
I have seen the effects of these cults personally I have also witnessed what happens if these Cults
aren’t stopped on time, you cannot imagine the sheer ferocity of this race.”
The older oficer sat down again, somewhat embarrassed by his own words.
“My assistant will hand out data-slates containing information to recognize telltale sign of a Genestealer infestation, you will read them, you
will learn them by heart if you want to survive because my Acolytes already found traces of such an infestation on this planet.”
For a moment the entire auditorium fell quiet, then people started talking amongst themselves, some horriied, some even
started to panic.
– the old Magister cried out again – “
We shall continue on the anatomy of the Genestealer, and their weak points.”
While the Magister continued a young man carefully left the auditorium.
“It is good that we know this”
– he thought – “
steps must be taken, we must act, but carefully, we must not fail, the Great Devourer must not
be stopped.”
Genestealer Cults
Genestealer Cults
What are Genestealer

an already existing cult introduces the offspring of a
fourth generation into the Hive sewers;
a Gene Pod containing a Genestealer enters the atmosphere

of a planet and doesn’t burn up;
Genestealer Cults are the insidious result of a Gene-
stealer or its spawn entering a large mortal population
and starting to procreate, either through infection or
plain sexual intercourse. Through this reproduction
more Genestealer Hybrids come into existence, and
this creates a Hive Mind, a mental link which connects
members of the brood and allows them to communi-
cate and coordinate their actions. The more members
a certain brood has the more effective it becomes and
eventually creatures such as Patriarchs and Cult Magi
come into existence, and a true Cult is born; from there
they can start iniltrating and converting the human
If heretical cults weren’t bad enough for the Imperium
to cope with, once matured these cults can truly destroy
a community over time, or worse attract a Tyranid hive
The irst generation is of such a cult always make sure
that they remain hidden from sight, using a Hive’s old
subterranean infrastructure to hide; they only come out
for two things, either to expend their brood or for food,
and in both cases people start to disappear.
Eventually the brood will grow and in the end you will
have a large family, iercely loyal to each other, they will
also try to corrupt the mortal population and convert
them to worshipping the Patriarch as a god. The cult
will iniltrate all layers of society and eventually topple
the ruling status quo and planetary defences and sound
in the planets doom as the hive leet enters orbit.

to capture a Genestealer on a forbidden planet and
introduce it to the planets ecosystem;
a small fraction of a Hive Fleet make a mock attack on

a Space Hulk leaving one or more Genestealer Mates or
Fourth Generation Hybrids on the vessel.
The possibilities are endless, but the result will often be
the same, a heretical situation which can lead to cata-
strophic events.
Fortunately the cult does not mature overnight, but in
the course of several decades the cult can take on very
dangerous proportions. The Ordo Xenos of the Inqui-
sition always classiies the possibility of a Genestealer
Cult as Xenos Majoris, and matured cults may be la-
belled Xenos Extremis or even Xenos Terminus.
evolution of the Cult
Normally it all starts with a single genestealer which
starts to infect people with the Gene Seed from its ovi-
positor. The Gene Seed changes the DNA of the victim,
which causes a great deal of physical mutation, includ-
ing changes to their physical health and reproductive
systems, within several days.
To prevent them from revealing the Genestealer, they
will eventually adhere to the Hive Mind. They will seek
out mates to reproduce and so expand the Cult, and the
infected and their mates will gather round the Gene-
stealer to create a nest and give birth to their monstrous
This second generation will mature quickly and mu-
tate into a Genestealer Hybrid – these dangerous crea-
tures are more human, but usually not human enough
to be part of normal Imperial society. Sometimes these
second generations also have ovipositors which will
speed up the expansion of the Genestealer Cult. Even
if these creatures do not have ovipositors they will still
have warped human like reproductive organ, and they
are able to sire or give birth to a third generation hybrid
within two and a half months; children from impreg-
nated woman grow equally fast.
The third generation hybrids are even more human
than the second generation, and can sometimes become
a part of normal society, but more often than not they
hoW do these Cults Come
into existenCe?
The Cult of the God Emperor spreads the entire galaxy
and protects but also oppresses mankind as a whole, so
eventually people will try to ind a way out; the most
common way is through criminal activity but others,
seeking something greater than themselves, turn to a
different kind of worshipping. The start of Genestealer
Cult is not always the result of heresy, but more often
than not in will end up in heresy.
The coming into existence of such a cult starts when a
normal genestealer somehow appears on a planet. This
can be done on several unsavoury ways;
have too many mutations to be accepted into Impe-
rial society. These wretched creatures have human like
reproductive systems, but due to their internal muta-
tions they work much quicker than with normal human
and therefore they are able to deliver a baby within
ive months instead of the normal nine. Through the
cancerous qualities of the male Hybrid seed, impreg-
nated woman deliver their babies at the same astound-
ing rate.
The creatures spawned by the third generation hybrids
are very close to being human, though they are usually
bald and have large eyes they can easily be mistaken for
a Void Born human. Many of these fourth generation
hybrids manifest psychic powers and over the course
of time one of these might eventually evolve into the
Cult’s Magus. Of all the different hybrids these are the
most dangerous, because they can always blend into hu-
man society.
These fourth generations can also reproduce through
conventional ways, and like the third generation hy-
brids they never have ovipositors and must have their
babies delivered by normal child birth. Unlike the Sec-
ond and Third Generation they do have a normal preg-
nancy period of nine months. The irst offspring of a
fourth generation mother will always be a pure strain
genestealer (thus a generation one genestealer); later
children will be purely human. The fourth generation
hybrids are the inal stage of the cult, when the fourth
generation hybrids are mature this also indicates the
cult has fully matured.
All the generations do have one thing in common:
they are all connected to the hive mind, they can use
this hive mind to communicate with each other, but this
hive mind also increases the intelligence and determina-
tion of the cult. This resolve increases with the size of
the cult, and though this Hive Mind does have a range,
it shouldn’t be underestimated.
tion Hybrids are full grown they will start to hunt and
procreate; woman impregnated by the hybrids that are
not mates are often locked up inside the nest and used
as incubators for new generations.
Once the Third Generations are born the brood starts
to expand to the higher levels of the Under Hive, since
these generations are usually less mutated. The third
generation eventually give birth to Fourth Generations.
The original Genestealer who started the brood will
most probably have evolved to a Patriarch Genestealer
by then.
The Fourth Generation Hybrid, appearing completely
human, will now use their superior abilities to iniltrate
Imperial institutes and industries to gain power. This is
a long and tedious process; this is also the stage where
most Genestealer Cults are discovered and destroyed by
the Adeptus Arbites or the Inquisition. Favoured targets
of the Fourth generations are organisations such as the
Planetary Defence Forces (PDF), the Adeptus Arbites
and the Enforcers, the council of the Planetary Gov-
ernor and other places that control the power struc-
ture and defence of the planet. Another Important role
of the Fourth Generation Hybrids is to reproduce: the
newborn Genestealers will start to infect new victims,
often the previous mates who weren’t infected but were
used by the Second, Third and Fourth Generations as
human incubators for their newborn.
This cycle will repeat itself and the Cult will expand
and so, by the addition of Hybrid, Mates and Pure
Strains to the Hive Mind, increase the intelligence of
its members. The Number of Brood Brothers will also
increase, who will usually worship the Patriarch as a
living god. Now, if the Fourth Generations have done
their work properly, the broods security will be guaran-
teed, better yet, the Cult should already have signiicant
power by now.
The reproduction cycles will go on, and once the Cult
has evolved enough a talented Psyker will be born, the
future Cult Magus. This child will become the leader of
the cult while the Patriarch will become a living icon
of the cult who will take more religious proportions
every cycle.
After reaching a certain “critical mass” and when all
the pawns are in place, the Patriarch will call out across
the stars. Any Tyranid Hive Fleet hearing this call
knows the planet is ready for consumption. When the
Hive Fleet approaches the planet, which could well take
decades, the Genestealer Cult will enter its inal stage.
The Cult will start attacking vital defences, break down
the power structures of which they are often a vital part
by know and throw the planet into absolute chaos leav-
ing it defenceless. The Hive Fleet will then attack and
with no working or heavily damaged defence system
the planet will be an easy prey.
After consuming the planet the surviving cult mem-
bers will join the hive leet to be planted on planet or
Space Hulks after mock attacks to start new cults and
repeat the cycle.
Genestealer Cult taCtiCs
The insidious threats of the Cults is a grave danger to
the Imperium, and the Ordo Xenos has made one of
their top priorities to stop these cults, but with a popu-
lation of countless billions it almost impossible to track
them down. But the Ordo Xenos’s efforts on their turn
have not gone unnoticed by the individual Cults, they
too try improve and reine their methods of iniltration,
and so for every setback there is an advancement.
The most important thing is to have a safe haven, a
nest so to say; after the initial infection the Genestealer
and his mates will start building a nest while more peo-
ple are infected, preferably somewhere deep in the hive
where it is warm and few people come to investigate.
Not long thereafter the Genestealer Mates will start
to give birth to the second generation who will form
the backbone of the brood. One the Second Genera-
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