Ross Jeffries - Irc Mini Speed-Seduction Seminar Transcript, NLP

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IRC Seminar from Mon Dec 15, 1997
Mini Speed-Seduction Seminar Transcript
Conducted December 15, 1997, 7:00 PM PST, hosted by Ross Jeffries.
All comments here are copyright 1997 Ross Jeffries and may not be reproduced,
posted or quoted in any manner whatsoever without the express written consent of
Ross Jeffries.
This version has been edited to remove personal comments, and references to
persons not in attendance in the seminar.
Dark Sun use on Voice Mail Services
Psychic Seduction
Dr. Latourette's Silva Mind Control seminar
*** Topic for #sargy: Don't break the knobs on your Eq . . . and don't play with mine.
*** Topic for #sargy set by `Odin` on Monday, December 15, 1997 8:49:45 AM
*** Sandworm ( has joined channel #Sargy
[Sandworm] HELLO!
ESR: IS that the Cat man
PlayR: Hey Sandworm!
PlayR: Just got your post..
[Sandworm] Ignore the email going out to the list..too late..for tonight's IRC
session..vianet's mail server fucked it up!
ESR says hi to Ross
[Sandworm] EDDIE! GREAT FUCKIn' POST! You are the Sargiest!
ESR: Did you read my Email Ross
Riker1: Hi Ross.
Riker1: ESR is so money.
[Sandworm] Riker!
ESR: naw man, your' swinging platinum Ross.
PlayR: Ill have to go back and read that one...
[Sandworm] I'm WEARING platinum! I'm SWINGIN' PLUTONIUM!
[Sandworm] I have been using pieces of the Dark Sun on a voice mail dating service..just
playing..and the chycks are going APESHIT!
ESR: careful, if that plutonium gets close to Kryptonium, you'll fusse into a problem
[Sandworm] Oh my god! You wouldn't believe the responses! Especially on the intimate
encounters section...
[Sandworm] you all want to hear some of the patter?
PlayR: Yup.
`Odin`: Yea.. why do you ask? ;-)
ESR says lay it on my man
[Sandworm] First I've got a 60 second ad running...took a CD of t.v. tunes and played the
Mission Impossible theme in the backround...
[Sandworm] It says, "Good evening ladies...the man you are listening to goes by the
name of Ross..while to all appearances he is just another devilishly handsome, debonair,
man about town..he is in reality..the most dangerous agent of love and romance the world
has ever seen
[Sandworm] Your mission..should you decide to accept to make connect with him in
box 3588...draw close to him..learn his secrets..and discover how wonderful the two of
you can be together...
[Sandworm] As always if you or any of your IMF team are caught or killed, the secretary
will disavow all knowledge of your actions....this message will self-destruct in 5 seconds!
[Sandworm] Now..that gets attention..and lots of curiosity..cuz I ain't told them NUTHIN'
about myself!
`Odin`: Except that you're different!
[Sandworm] When they leave messages for me..they've raised their hands...thats when I
leave a response with the DS language...
[Sandworm] I say something like, "I'm interested in living life from that special
place..that place where anything can be tried out..where anything can be tried out..where
anything can be explored..that place where ANYTHING can be possible...
ESR: ohh ss
`Antonio`: dark sun
[Sandworm] It's that place right next to the essence of who you are as a woman...where
you keep your most exciting memories..where you ponder
fantasies...daydreams..amazing possibilities......
glen_ster: hi bros
`Odin`: hey glen
PlayR: Dude...
[Sandworm] And the question I ask myself is, "What is it..about the way certain people
effect us..that causes us to think of them in that special hear this voice...and
feel this presence from that such a way...that no matter how we try to deny our
desire to takes on a life of it's own..compelling..powerful real..because we're
being touched in all those special all those special ways we LONG to be's the kind of c
[Sandworm] Yes..I want to step into this special place with this special person and
explore ANYTHING we can make real together...
[Sandworm] Pause for applause!
*** Sandworm has set the topic on channel #sargy to Getting Chycks Hot On The Phone
With Dark Sun!
[Sandworm] They just go freakin' ballistic, brothers!
Riker1: clap clap clap...
PlayR: Why is that pattern called 'Dark Sun'?
[Sandworm] back in 2 minutes
`Antonio`: name of a book Player
PlayR: Should I read it?
ESR: hey maw, are you awake
Riker1: I though it was something to do with a ThermoNuclear metaphor.
`Odin`: It's about building of the atomic bomb
`Antonio`: the book is about the bomb
Riker1: mmmkay
PlayR: Oh.. I get it..
PlayR: mmmmkay
`Antonio`: so yes player, your success in SS depends upon reading it
ESR: and all the emails on the list
maw: no ..I'm sleeping
[Sandworm] Ok..back.......the book is about the building of the H-bomb!
PlayR: In that case...
`Antonio`: and it's a RPG
[Sandworm] And about how they solved the theoretical problem of compressing
deuterium with get thermonuclear burning to take place...
[Sandworm] They were stuck for 5 years til they made the breakthrough...
[Sandworm] Which is about how long I've been working on SS..with help from the Bros
the last 2-3 years, of course!
J-Altfeld asks... ***Ross***, remind me & the bros why its called Dark Sun?
Riker1: ..becuase of it's power...simliar to that of an H Bomb?
[Sandworm] Dark sun sort of compresses a woman's mind...gets it ready for BURNING!
J-Altfeld: ;)
ESR: where's the A Bomb.
[Sandworm] Once you compress the deuterium you can keep it burning..there is NO
theoretical upper limit to the yield of a thermonuclear device...b]Because what
compression allows you to do is get critical mass with MUCH smaller amounts of
J-Altfeld: brb
OriGami: the purer the Pu239 the less mass needed to get critical mass
ESR: Psychic Seduction
Riker1: Hopefully that does not mean seducing psycho chicks.
Riker1: :)
ESR: you never know. I gosta becareful
[Sandworm] The a-bomb is the primary,'s what compresses the secondary, which
is the deuterium!
J-Altfeld: back
`Antonio`: A bomb is a necessary part of the H bomb
[Sandworm] Actually, it's no longer a function of the Pu239 as much as it is the
deuterium which when it burns will compress lots of smaller fissionable material seeded
around it...
[Sandworm] what you get is fission-fusion-fission...
maw is back, with a personalised version of Dork Sun.
[Sandworm] DORK SUN?
[Sandworm] HAHAHAHAHA!
maw: :-)
J-Altfeld: Antonio: "A bomb is a necessary part of the H bomb"
J-Altfeld: Thats right...
*** Sandworm has set the topic on channel #sargy to Physics Corner..With Dr. Ross
J-Altfeld: Without A bomb, the H bomb is just "H"
[Sandworm] So..anyway..the Dark Sun language is like the A-bomb that compresses the
deuterium...preparing it for unlimited burning!
OriGami asks what H-bomb
PlayR: Is that the spacial anchoring part?
ESR: Got it..
maw: I had a friend, and when she is with a guy that she really likes, all she wants to do
is be with them, and give, head over heels, absolutely blowing them away with her
energy, to the point that made her come to realise its a matter of going down into the
unconscious, where you get that feeling that this is what you really want. Now, me, I
think, that often a blink with the eyes can put you right into that state, didn't it.
[Sandworm] Now...the second part of the pattern is...I talk about how sometimes because
of things going on..stresses in our life..relationships we're in that constrict us...we shut
away..lock away parts of who we are..but they are still there in that special place..and
what would it be like for a person to just right now..feel all those parts wake up...look
through our eyes...hear with our ears..feel with our bodies and say, "Yes..I want this right
now is the time to
maw: Sorry for the interruption Ross, I had been toying with that for a while, I just HAD
to get it out of my system.
PlayR: That is the compression part...
ESR: no that's the H-bomb
[Sandworm] Hey guys..I wanna talk about Dr. Latourette's Silva Mind Control seminar I
went to..
Stygian: What was that all about?
PlayR: Didnt know he was a dork.
Stygian has a face of confusion
[Sandworm] Latourette taught me something...SOMETHING IMPORTANT!
[Sandworm] Ok..Silva teaches you:
[Sandworm] 1. A systematic method to enter altered states for creative problem
solving....dream work..psychic healing..telepathy...
[Sandworm] 2. Detailed step by step instructions for all the stuff I just mentioned...
maw: ...leading to psychic seduction, I gather?
PlayR: Is there a book you'd recommend?
[Sandworm] A bit boring at times, but workable..not very flashy..not too
sophisticated..but it WORKS! It's sort of the reliable baseball player who ALWAYS gets
a base hit and occasionally some home runs....GOOD STUFF!
[Sandworm] Anyway...I learned an interesting thang from Dr. L.who by the way I think
is THE MONEY! Eddie..whattya think of Dr. L!
[Sandworm] What I learned is about USING and MOVING your physical body when
you do psychic stuff!
ESR: he was a very impressive guy.. he was very bright, and listen alot, Bronko taught
me some of the stuff he learned, and I think it's top notch
[Sandworm] In Silva, they actually have you reach out with your hands and scan the
person you are remotely scanning and healing!
maw: can I reach out a scan tits this way?
[Sandworm] And when you want to read someone's thoughts...once you go into trance
and visualize actually REACH OUT WITH YOUR ARMS and imagine taking
off their head and putting it on YOUR HEAD!
[Sandworm] YOU HAVE TO DO THE ACTUAL MOVEMENTS..don't just imagine it!
Actually reach out with your arms..feel the head in your hands!
maw: wow.
[Sandworm] Yes..maw you can!
maw: I used to imagine that.. but now so much her whole head on my head, just her
mouth on my head. (ok I'll shut up now)
[Sandworm] It's akin to the have to actually reach up with your hands and
push the levers..not just imagine it...reaching up and using your hands wires it in
[Sandworm] >>>>slaps maw with a large trou!
[Sandworm] trout!
maw lols at the idea of doing this head swapping thing in public.
maw: I don't know.. are you really supposed to do this, physically?
[Sandworm] eeerie! There's a fox in the field right outside my window..they make the
WEIRDEST half bark/half crow's caw!
ESR: get SarGy to EAT IT!!
[Sandworm] can do it WITHOUT the person actually being present..jus
timagine they are there and do it!
ESR: read my post MAW
[Sandworm] Now...the key need to have SOME kind of body movement involved
in the operation..whatever you are doing...
[Sandworm] Like..I'm experimenting with another psychic thing...
[Sandworm] wanna hear it maw?
[Sandworm] I go into trance...then I imagine this chcyk I want to seduce..that is am
GOING to seduce...laying in her bed with her back to me..she's laying on her side...I
imagine the bed is about 10 feet from me..actually on the other side of the wall of my
living room!
OriGami: think of the rabies threat, silly
SarGy jumps out the window after the fox
maw: please continue Ross
[Sandworm] From that distance I sort of hear the thoughts INSIDE her head!
OriGami: ping
maw: yes, please, sandworm!
[Sandworm] ( shit..the think is vocal tonite!) And I don't think a tiny fox could
take Sargy..he's a BIG cat..
maw: esr: which post? the one of the non-calibrating brother B?
PlayR: How would you use this for getting laid?
J-Altfeld: back sorry I've been on the phone with a lot of people...
J-Altfeld: ;)
J-Altfeld: Awesome material up above...
J-Altfeld: gonna have to take time to review it later!
ESR: yeah. the Hulk one. read the end
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