Ruggiero Vincent Ryan - Becoming A Critical Thinker. A Master Student Text (Sixth Edition), Literature, Art

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Becoming a
Critical Thinker
Vincent Ryan Ruggiero
Houghton Mifflin Company
Boston New York
Publisher, Humanities:
Patricia A. Coryell
Sponsoring Editor:
Shani Fisher
Development Editor:
Julia Giannotti
Editorial Assistant:
Amanda Nietzel
Senior Project Editor:
Rosemary Winfield
Editorial Assistant:
Paola Moll
Manufacturing Coordinator:
Susan Peltier
Senior Art and Design Coordinator:
Jill Haber
Senior Composition Buyer:
Chuck Dutton
Marketing Manager:
Edwin Hill
Marketing Assistant:
Bettina Chiu
Cover credit:
Copyright © Nick Koudis / Getty Images (lightbulb on blue back-
ground) and copyright © Masterfile Royalty Free.
Text credits:
Chapter 3, pages 61–63,
“Strategy for Group Discussion” is reprinted
with the permission of the copyright holder, MindPower, Inc.
Chapter 7, page 177,
material in the numbered list is copyright © Quintessential Careers and is
reprinted with permission.
Photo credits:
Chapter 1, page 2
: © John Birdsall / The Image Works.
Chapter 2,
page 14
: Digital Vision Royalty-free / Getty Images.
Chapter 3, page 44
: © John
McKenna / Alamy.
Chapter 4, page 70
: AP Images.
Chapter 4, page 72
: collage by
Brian Reardon / © Photodisc / Getty Images.
Chapter 5, page 102
: © Keith Leng /
Chapter 6, page 136
: © T.R. Tharp / Corbis.
Chapter 7, page 166
: Darrin
Klimek / Digital Vision Royalty-free / Getty Images.
Chapter 7, page 170
© Comstock / Fotosearch.
Chapter 7, page 175
: © VStock / Alamy.
Chapter 7,
page 180
: © Flip Schulkel / Corbis.
Chapter 7, page 190
: Courtesy of The
Advertising Archive.
Chapter 7, page 192
: © Najlah Feanny / Corbis.
Chapter 7,
page 206
: Frank Sinatra photo (left) © Bettmann / Corbis; Ozzfest punk singer
photo (right) © Tim Mosenfelder / Corbis.
Copyright © 2009 by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
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Printed in the U.S.A.
Library of Congress Control Number: 2007939713
ISBN: 978-0-618-96960-9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9—EB—09 08 07 06 05
any people have contributed to the sixth edition of this book.
I would especially like to thank Julia Giannotti and Shani Fisher
for their thoughtful suggestions during the development of this edition
and Alison Fields for her careful attention to the details of the produc-
tion process.
I also wish to acknowledge the contributions of the following profes-
sors, whose advice has been of great help to me in preparing this or pre-
vious editions of the book:
Marcia Anderson, Metropolitan State University (MN)
Robert Arend, San Diego Miramar College (CA)
Judy Bowie, DeVry University (IL)
Joel R. Brouwer, Montcalm Community College (MI)
Susan F. Corl, Louisiana State University, Eunice (LA)
Marilyn Corzine, Southwest Florida College of Business (FL)
Ozzie Dean, DeVry Institute of Technology, West Hills (CA)
Kathleen J. Fitzgerald, Columbia College (MO)
Catherine Gann, Missouri Western State College (MO)
Glennon Graham, Columbia College, Chicago (IL)
Fran Gray, Southwest Florida College of Business (FL)
Gail Herring, McLennan Community College (TX)
Melvin A. Jenkins, Indiana University of Pennsylvania (PA)
Martha Johnson, Texas A&M University (TX)
John Kowalczyk, Ferris State University (MI)
Patsy Krech, The University of Memphis (TN)
Kevin J. Kukla, SUNY Oswego (NY)
Cynthia H. LaBonne, Fairleigh Dickinson University (NJ)
Carol E. Lacey, Metropolitan State University (MN)
Nancy L. LaChance, DeVry Institute of Technology, Phoenix (AZ)
Marcel Lebrun, Plymouth State University (NH)
Joe LeVesque, Northwood University (TX)
Hakim J. Lucas, Medgar Evers College (NY)
Evelyn Martinez, Pima Community College—Desert Vista Campus (AZ)
Louise L. Myers, Naugatuck Valley Community College (CT)
Linda J. Nelson, Davenport University (IN)
Rebecca R. Noel, Plymouth State University (NH)
Sharon Occipinti, Florida Metropolitan University—Tampa (FL)
Mary O’Shaughnessy, DeVry Institute of Technology, Long Beach (CA)
Jim Pollard, Spokane Falls Community College (WA)
Diane Rielly, Naugatuck Valley Community College (CT)
Margie Robertson, Manatee Community College (FL)
Anita Rosenfield, DeVry Institute of Technology, Pomona (CA)
Marni Sanft, Utah Valley State College (UT)
Penny Schempp, Western Iowa Tech Community College (IA)
Matt Schulte, Montgomery College (MD)
Andrew Scoblionko, DeVry Institute of Technology (NJ)
Karen Sookram, Doane College (NE)
Jeffrey D. Swanberg, Rockford Business College (IL)
Eric Sun, Macon State College (GA)
Mary Vacca, Briarcliffe College (NY)
Lynn E.Walker, Katherine Gibbs School, New York City (NY)
Joyce White, Mayville State University (ND)
Sheri L. Yarbrough, Kennedy-King College (IL)
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