Rules and respect elementary, wykreslanki 2, New folder

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Rules and respect
Level 1
Key words
Match these key words from the article with the deinitions. The paragraph numbers will help you.
simultaneous press conference restore respect
punctual winning mentality objective tactics
native tongue qualify (for something) group mentality self-conidence
1. ________________ is a feeling you have for someone because of their personal qualities, their achievements,
or their status. You show this by treating them in a polite and kind way. (title)
2. A ________________ is an oficial meeting where someone makes a formal statement to journalists and
answers questions. (para 3)
3. When you are on time, you are ________________. (para 4)
4. Thinking like a team: ________________. (para 4)
5. Thinking positively and expecting to succeed: ________________. (para 5)
6. When things happen or are done at the same time, they are ________________. (para 7)
7. Your ________________ is the language you irst learnt and spoke at home while you were growing up.
(para 7)
8. An ________________ is something that you plan to achieve, especially in business or work. (para 8)
9. These are particular methods or plans you have to achieve something: ________________. (para 9)
10. When you have ________________, you have the feeling that you can do things well and that people
respect you. (para 10)
11. When you ________________ something, you bring it back to the condition it was before. (para 10)
12. When you _____________, you reach the next stage of a competition by winning in an earlier stage.
(para 10)
Find the information
Skim-read the article to ind the answers to these questions.
1. What is the name of the England football team’s new manager?
2. Which Spanish and Italian teams has he managed in the past?
3. What language does he speak at press conferences?
4. What language does he speak with the England team players?
5. Which country will England play in a World Cup qualifying match in September 2008?
© Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2008
NEWS LESSONS / Rules and respect / Elementary
Rules and respect
Level 1
Rules and respect are the buzz words
as Capello seeks winning mentality
Richard Williams
February 6, 2008
native tongue were given headphones. “I will
speak English with you when I am sure that I
know all the terms and all the right words,” he
said. “You are good at twisting things, so I want
to be very careful. But with the players I can
explain and communicate in English and I’m
happy about that.”
At Milan, Juventus and Real Madrid the players
called Fabio Capello ‘Mister’, the name given
to generations of managers in Italy and Spain
by British football coaches around the world. In
England, however, he will have another title. The
players can call him ‘Boss’, Capello said.
Capello’s objective is to create a strong team
in time for the irst World Cup qualifying game
against Andorra in September. In the meantime,
he will be watching videos of each England
match and talking about them with the players.
The England football team will have to do
exactly what the Italian says. And that means no
computer games, no having breakfast whenever
they feel like it, and absolutely no golf before
international football matches.
“We’ve worked very hard on tactics for the last
few days in order to create a group mentality and
a different way of moving on the pitch,” he said.
“I’ve seen some English clubs move on the pitch
in the way I want my team to move. So for some
players it won’t be anything new. Others who
aren’t used to moving this way will have to learn.”
At a press conference Capello explained the
need for strict rules. “After the match they
can play all the golf they like,” he said with a
serious smile.
Psychologically, his main task will be to restore
the players’ self-conidence which was lost when
the England team failed to qualify for Euro 2008.
But that, as he said, is not an overnight job.
“We are only together for a short time,” he
said, “and in that time we need to ind a way
of working. To do that you need rules. Eating
together and getting up from the table at the
same time and being punctual – these things
are about respect for other people and for each
other. We don’t have a long time to create
a group mentality, so it’s important to spend
time together.”
“I want the team to regain their winning mentality
by being conident and by playing bravely. I
believe we need to leave the past behind. We
need to look ahead positively. But we can’t
perform miracles. We’ve only just started our
work. Give us time to show what we can do.”
Capello said: “Compared to football clubs, we
don’t have many days together. Therefore we
need strict rules. If we follow those rules, we’ll
create a speciic winning mentality, which is
what I want.”
So, after a month in England, what was his
view of England’s players? “I think players are
the same everywhere,” he concluded. “My irst
impressions of these players are very good and I
believe we will be able to do very well.”
He said: “People make mistakes but, if they want
to be part of this group, they will follow the rules.
If someone doesn’t, then we will look at why the
rules were broken and do something about it.”
© Guardian News & Media 2008
First published in
The Guardian
, 06/02/08
At the press conference, journalists who needed
a simultaneous translation from the manager’s
© Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2008
NEWS LESSONS / Rules and respect / Elementary
Rules and respect
Level 1
Comprehension check
Match the sentence halves.
1. Capello wants the England players…
… to beat Andorra.
2. Before matches, Capello wants the players…
… to a better team mentality.
3. He believes that strict rules will lead…
… in English.
4. Capello still speaks Italian…
… to call him ‘Boss’.
5. He is able to communicate with the players…
… all over the world.
6. He wants the players to move differently…
… at press conferences.
7. His irst aim is for England… … to eat together.
8. He says football players are the same…
… on the football pitch.
Vocabulary: Collocations
Look through the article to ind nouns that can follow
. Can you think of more?
© Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2008
NEWS LESSONS / Rules and respect / Elementary
Rules and respect
Level 1
Discussion: Football small talk
Hold mini conversations about football. Start with these questions and continue the conversation for as
long as you can.
Which football team do you support?
Have you ever been to a football match?
Who won the last European Cup / World Cup?
Did you watch any of the matches? If yes, where?
Watch a short video about Capello on
and ind the answers to these questions on
the website.
When did Fabio Capello begin the job as England manager? ________________________
How much does he earn? ________________________
You can see more video clips on
What language does Capello speak in the videos? ________________________
© Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2008
NEWS LESSONS / Rules and respect / Elementary
Rules and respect
Level 1
1 Key words
1. respect
2. press conference
3. punctual
4. group mentality
5. winning mentality
6. simultaneous
7. native tongue
8. objective
9. tactics
10. self-conidence
11. restore
12. qualify
3 Comprehension check
1. Capello wants the England players to call
him ‘Boss’.
2. Before matches, Capello wants the players to
eat together.
3. He believes that strict rules will lead to a better
team mentality.
4. Capello still speaks Italian at press conferences.
5. He is able to communicate with the players
in English.
6. He wants the players to move differently on the
football pitch.
7. His irst aim is for England to beat Andorra.
8. He says football players are the same all over
the world.
2 Find the information
1. Fabio Capello
2. Milan, Juventus and Real Madrid
3. Italian
4. English
5. Andorra
4 Vocabulary: Collocations
Possible answers:
match, pitch, game, manager, coach, result, score,
player, star, stadium, club, team, squad, hooligan,
competition, trophy, league
© Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2008
NEWS LESSONS / Rules and respect / Elementary
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