RuneQuest Runic Fantasy - A Dozen Free Legendary Abilities(1), Podreczniki RPG, RuneQuest

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A Dozen Free
Legendary Abilities
by Philip Reed
Copyright © 2006 Philip Reed. You may not distribute this document without permission of the publisher. Some
portions of this document are presented as open game content, see the Open Game License at the end of this
document for more information.
Some artwork copyright William McAusland, used with permission.
Ronin Arts and the Ronin Arts logo are trademarks of Philip Reed and Christopher Shy. For more information on
Ronin Arts, and Ronin Arts’ sister company, Studio Ronin, please visit and www.studioronin.
“RuneQuest (TM)” and the RuneQuest logo are Trademarks owned by Issaries, Inc. and are used according to
the terms of the RuneQuest logo Licence version 1.0. A copy of this licence can be obtained from Mongoose
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Following those abilities found in the
RuneQuest Main Rulebook
, this
free PDF provides twelve new Legendary Abilities for use by characters of
all degrees of experience. Some of these Legendary Abilities build upon
Legendary Abilities found in the
RuneQuest Main Rulebook but
many of
them are completely new to this PDF.
he new Legendary Abilities described hereater follow the format established
in the
RuneQuest Main Rulebook
. Where these abilities clash with other
abilities, either those published in oicial rule books or third-party expansions,
the game master must determine which Legendary Ability is allowed because,
perhaps more so than any other improvement to characters, new Legendary
Abilities must always be reviewed and approved by the game master before
they may be used in a campaign.
Also From Ronin Arts
Runic Fantasy: Expanded Professions is
a 32-page supplement (available in both print and
PDF) that provides players and GMs with 17 new professions and expanded descriptions
and special abilities for all of the professions found in the
RuneQuest Main
. Available now from and many ind PDF sales sites.
Open Game Content
All of the text in this PDF is presented as open game content. While this means absolutely
nothing to your campaign it does give other publishers permission to use this material as
long as they follow the open game license (see the end of this PDF).
About the Author
Philip Reed has been working professionally in the roleplaying game industry since 1995.
In that time he has worked for such companies as West End Games, Privateer Press, and
Steve Jackson Games. Today Philip spends his days at home running Ronin Arts, writing
and designing new games, and reading whatever books interest him at the time. To learn
more about Philip Reed – and Ronin Arts – please visit and www.
Legendary Abilities
Legendary Ability
Accuracy of the Gods Dead Eye, DEX 18+
Champion of the Bear Heart of the Bear, Skin of the Bear, CON 18+, Resilience 125%+
CHA 15+, Inluence 90%+
POW 18+, Special (see description)
Heart of the Bear
STR 15+, CON 15+, Resilience 90%+
Minotaur’s Blow
STR 15+, Unarmed 90%+
One with Magic
POW 18+
Runecasting (any) 40%+, Close Combat Weapon skill 90%+
Sudden Strike
Strike Rank 15+, Close Combat Weapon Skill 90%+
Troll’s Blood
Disease Immunity, Poison Immunity, Special (see description)
Unequaled Strength
STR 18+, Athletics 90%+, Resilience skill 90%+
Unlocking a Past Life Master level of experience
Legendary Ability Descriptions
Accuracy of the Gods
Requirements: Dead Eye, DEX 18 or higher
Hero Points: 12
When using your chosen ranged weapon, your accuracy rivals that of
the greatest warriors of all time. Pick any single ranged weapon that
you have already assigned the Dead Eye Legendary Ability to and while
using that weapon you gain the following efects:

Increase the weapon’s Range by 50% (in addition to the Range
modiier gained through Dead Eye).

Increase the weapon’s damage by +2 (in addition to the damage
gained through Dead Eye) against any target, including those
out of Range.

Precise attacks with the weapon sufer only a -10% penalty
(this replaces the similar Dead Eye Legendary Ability efect).

By expending a Combat Action you may tap into the eye of
the gods, using this divine connection to push your accuracy
far beyond that possessed by mortal men. For the remainder
of the combat round in which you utilize
this efect your attacks with this weapon
gain a +50% to skill tests and all damage is
increased by +4 (this is in addition to the
basic damage bonus listed above) against
any target, including those out of range.
original Inluence test); if the Persistence
test succeeds then you may automatically
reattempt the Inluence test but if the
Persistence test fails then you blunder so
badly that all future Inluence tests against
this same individual sufer a -25% penalty.
Champion of the Bear
Requirements: Heart of the Bear, Skin of the
Bear, CON 18 or higher, Resilience skill at 125%
or higher

As a Combat Action you may make an
opposed Inluence test against an opponent
of your choice and, if successful, cause
that opponent to be so charmed by your
presence that he may not act against you
for a number of Combat Rounds equal to
one-half your CHA score (round down).
Hero Points: 12
You and the bear are one, your entire body melding
with that of the bear at times of great need,
transforming your body into that of a towering,
powerful bear-like creature. You can turn into this
“werebear” form as a Combat Action and at the
cost of two Magic Points, during which time your
SIZ, STR, and CON are all considered to each be
10 points higher – for all purposes. You remain in
this werebear state for a number of rounds equal
to your (unmodiied) SIZ ater which point you
automatically gain three levels of Fatigue (see
in the
RuneQuest Main Rulebook
Requirements: POW 18 or higher, Special (see
Hero Points: 12
You have been touched by the heavens, your body
transformed during a near-death experience into
a weapon of divinity. A Divinetouched is one that
has sufered a Serious Wound to the head or chest
and fallen unconscious during which point his soul
journeys to the heavens where it is confronted by the
gods and sent back to act as a champion of the gods’
Requirements: CHA 15 or higher, Inluence skill
at 90% or higher
A Divinetouched stands apart for other mortals,
his body constantly emitting a pale, divine glow
that cannot be extinguished or concealed by any
means short of encasing the Divinetouched and
covering every bit of its body entirely (even the
eyes, if uncovered, emit this glow). Each one of a
Divinetouched’s characteristics are increased by 2
and the character automatically acquires 4 divine
magic spells (see
Divine Magic
in the
each at Magnitude 3.
Divinetouched is a roleplaying-oriented Legendary
Ability, one in which the character must act to fulill
the will of the gods. At the beginning of each game
session the character is given a task by the gods and
until this task is completed the character does not
gain new Hero Points at the end of a game session.
Uncompleted tasks follow the character from session
Hero Points: 8
Your charming personality and mastery of
stature, granting you the ability to convince almost
anyone to follow your suggestions. When using
Inluence you gain the following efects:

In any Opposed Test with someone
with a CHA lower than your own, your
opponent sufers a penalty equal to your
own CHA on their d100 roll.

At any time that you fail an Inluence test
you may immediately make a Persistence
test (with the same modiiers as the
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