Rowe B-Enochian Temples, en

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Enochian Temples
Enochian Temples
by Benjamin Rowe
Copyright 1992
Constructing Enochian Temples
During the six months beginning November, 1985, I was involved in an extended exploration of the Enochian Tablet
of Earth. There was no purpose to the work other than tourism - I merely wanted to see what was there and record it
as accurately as possible. Curiosity is sometimes well rewarded; instructions were given on a new way to use the
Tablets for magickal workings. The method involves the transformation of the two-dimensional Tablets into a three-
dimensional structure that is the Temple of the Tablet. The Temple demonstrates the fundamental geometric,
energetic, and spiritual properties of the Enochian magickal system through a form embodying the character of its
active, intelligent energies.
There is much more to the Enochian magick than a mere collection of elemental energies. Rather, each tablet is an
expression of the whole of existence, parallel to the cabalistic Tree of Life and equal to it in power and descriptive
ability. With the practical and symbolic tools provided here, the competent magician will be able to unlock the higher
aspects of the magick for himself.
Before using the Temple technique, the magician should be thoroughly conversant with the basic attributions of the
Hebrew letters and numbers as described in the Golden Dawn documents and Crowley's 777 Revised. Equally useful
is a familiarity with the "restored" Tree of Life first presented by Charles Stansfield Jones, aka Frater Achad. A sketch
of his Tree is provided in figure # at the end of this book. Achad's Tree forms the basis for all existing explanations of
the Temple's symbolism. The author believes that the Temple can be used effectively by persons using other
symbol-systems, but at this point it is up to the users of other systems to discover how they can be connected with the
The magician should have had some success in using the Enochian system to invoke the forces of single squares, and
have made a preliminary exploration of the forces of the Tablet in question to the point that he feels both familiar and
comfortable with them. This is not a technique for beginners. Successful construction of the Temple generates a
tremendous concentration of force, which can unbalance the inexperienced magician and open him to levels he is not
yet ready to deal with.
Each of the Elemental Tablets of the Enochian system is a 12 by 13 square board. Figure 1 shows the general layout
of a Tablet, with the various types of squares labeled. These squares can be re-arranged into a three-dimensional
structure, which is the Temple of the element.
The squares of the Tablets are arranged according to a regular hierarchical scheme, and each level of the hierarchy
defines a particular part of the Temple.
The Great Central Cross of each Tablet is made up of the seventh row across the Tablet, and the sixth and seventh
columns. The cross contains the highest three levels of the Tablet's hierarchy.
The three Names of God come from the horizontal line, and are formed by taking the letters in groups of three, four,
and five letters. The Names for the Earth Tablet are thus MOR DIAL HCTGA.
The Elemental King of the Tablet has his name formed by an inward clockwise spiral around the center of the Tablet.
In the Earth Tablet, the King's name is ICZHIHAL. (Fig. 2)
Enochian Temples
The Six Seniors represent the forces of the planets in the Tablet, and their names are formed by reading outwards
along the arms of the cross. For the Earth Tablet, these names are ACZINOR, LZINOPO, ALHCTGA, LIIANSA,
These names from the Central Cross are used to make up various parts of the upper Temple. The next set of squares
are the Sephirotic Crosses, which are the five by six crosses centered in each Lesser Angle of the Tablet. These
crosses make up the floor of the upper Temple, and the ceiling of the lower Temple, and project their force
downwards into the
Temple proper. (Fig.)
The four Kerubic squares of each lesser angle are the four squares above the horizontal arms of the sephirotic crosses.
These squares are used to make the four outer pillars of the Temple.
Finally, the remaining squares below the arms of the Sephirotic crosses are the servient squares, which represent the
most material manifestation of the force of the tablet. These squares are rearranged to make the floor and altars of the
The Bricks
The basic unit in the Elemental Tablets is the square. Since the Temple is a transformation of the Tablets into three
dimensions, it follows that the basic unit for the construction of the Temple will be the cube. One particular kind of
cube has proven to significantly enhance the effectiveness of astrally-constructed Temples. However, after a short
explanation I will continue to refer to "squares" rather than to cubes, in order to emphasize that these cubes are three-
dimensional projections of the squares of the Tablets.
These special cubes are formed from four truncated pyramids of the kind used in the Golden Dawn system to
symbolize the energies of the Tablets. The pyramids have square bases. Each side adjacent to the base meets it at an
angle of forty- five degrees, and the top has sides whose length is one-third that of a base side. The pyramids are then
set with their bases outwards to form four sides of a cube, with the top and bottom faces empty.
The cube thus formed acts as an accumulator and focusing device for whatever energies are assigned to it. The four
"solid" sides channel energies into the center of the cube. Beams meet in opposing pairs and are thrown outwards in
the only directions remaining, as rays from the empty top and bottom faces. The wand-like nature of the projecting
forces suggests that this form of the cube be associated with the fire aspect.
Adding a fifth pyramid to the cube neutralizes the opposing forces of the first four, and causes energy to well up out
of the sixth side like a fountain, or like a perpetually-opening lotus. Clearly, this form of the cube relates to the water
A cube of six pyramids perhaps combines earth and air, since all the faces are solid, but the hollow center contains the
accumulated energies, distributed at equal concentration at all points of the space.
There are only two places in the Temple where one of these forms is required. Everywhere it is not specified, any of
these forms can be used at the preference of the magician, or none of them used. My personal feeling is that the six-
pyramid cube is not useful.
It should be noted that all of these cubes are actually three-dimensional representations of a four-dimensional object,
the hypercube or tesseract, which is an object having eight cubical "sides". In the 3-d cube, six of these cubical sides
are seen in distorted perspective as truncated pyramids. So the cube, which started as a projection of a
two-dimensional form, contains within it the potential for the projection to continue into additional dimensions. By
correspondence, the completed Temple will also be linked to other dimensions.
The dimensions of the Temple are all defined in terms of the size of a single component, the square, with the length of
Enochian Temples
the square's side being the unit of measure. Thus the relative dimensions remain constant no matter how large or small
the unit is when measured in real terms. The Temple can be made any size that is convenient to the magician. It can
be constructed physically, or entirely on the astral levels. The effect on any plane will be about the same, no matter
the materials used. Coloring appropriate to the particular Element should be used.
The intelligences who gave the instructions say that it is also preferable, but not necessary, to paint on the attributions
of each square as well. This seems valuable but tedious for a Temple constructed of physical materials. But for astral
workings such a course would likely be unfeasible for magicians lacking an eidetic memory.
The floor of the Temple is made by lifting the Servient squares out of the tablet, and pushing them together to make
an 8 by 8 board, with the squares maintaining their relative positions from the Tablet. (Fig.? )
The Kerubic squares of each Lesser Angle are arranged in a 2 by 2 square, which touches the corner of the floor. The
squares are arranged within the larger square so that they are in the same position relative to each other that their sub-
elements are in the Tablet as a whole.
(Fig. )
These grouped Kerubic squares are then extended upwards for a distance equal to eight times the width of a single
square to form the pillars of the Temple.
The Sephirotic crosses are connected as in Fig. ?, and are laid horizontally at the height of the tops of the Kerubic
pillars to form the inner ceiling of the Temple. The crosses project downwards to form the inner walls of the Temple.
The long arms of the crosses are oriented to follow diagonal lines drawn between the Kerubic Pillars, and the Malkuth
squares of the vertical arms rest on the top of each pillar. The Malkuth square of each cross is centered precisely over
the center of of its quarter's Kerubic pillar, and the intersection of the four lesser columns that make up each pillar
divides it into four equal parts. The Tiphereth square of each cross will be over the center of the sixteen Servient
squares of the Lesser Angle. Also note that in this formation, the squares attributed to Kether and Tiphereth are
always hidden from any viewpoint outside of the Temple.
The names of the six Seniors are made into a star-shaped formation. (Fig. ?) The first letter of each name is formed
into an equilateral triangle having sides of one unit, and the remaining letters are assigned to squares extending in a
line from the base of the triangle. The triangular units are fitted together to form a hexagonal center to the star. Except
for this center, the arms of the star-shape are bent downwards at an angle of about thirty degrees to form the
roof-braces of the Temple. The outermost square of each arm will be at the height of the tops of the Kerubic pillars.
The arms should extend outwards far enough that a circle touching all their ends would just enclose the Malkuth
squares of the sephirotic crosses.
The name of the Elemental King is formed into a stack of four fire-aspect cubes, which stands on the center of the
Seniors' star. The outer faces of the cubes in the stack are attributed to the letters of the name in this manner:
E S W N <-- (direction of face)
Z H Z H ICZHIHAL, Earth Tablet
The three Names of God in a Tablet are expressed in the Temple as three rings, each having a circumference of 12
units. When it is desired to emphasize the purely elemental aspects of the Temple, the rings are arranged so that they
have a common center-point, and the plane of each ring is at right angles to the planes of the other two. When the
higher, planetary aspect of the Temple is to be emphasized, then the rings are arranged so that they share a common
diameter and their planes are set at angles of 120 degrees to each other.
Example Consecration of the Temple of Earth
Enochian Temples
(The symbols and visualizations follow the text of the ritual.)
1. The Temple should be fully prepared ahead of time. If an astral or etheric Temple has been built, the magician
should be able to hold its image steady without effort for several minutes at least, and to move about inside and
outside of it without difficulty.
2. Perform a preliminary banishing of the work area, using both the Ritual of the Pentagram and the Ritual of the
3. Vibrate the First Key, and call upon the Archangel of the Element in the Tablet of Union to oversee the work of
"Hear me, Ye spirits of the Tablet of Union! Hear me, and send your great Archangel, NANTA, unto me. NANTA,
thou great and powerful angel of the Spirits of Earth, I call upon thee to oversee this work of consecration, so that the
Light of Spirit may ever dwell in the Temple. I have dedicated this Temple to the work of returning the Earth, the
daughter who is our mother, to the realms of the Gods from whence she came. This is my true will, and a great and
holy work. Therefore, NANTA, do I call upon you by right to aid in its completion. Let the light of the Gods raise her
again upon high. Amen."
4. Perform a preliminary invocation of the element of the Tablet. (See Crowley's Liber LXXXIX vel Chanokh for
5. Vibrate the Key of the Element.
"Hear me, spirits of the Tablet of Earth! Hear me, and come unto me, and make this Temple the true house of the
Daughter. I charge you all to make your force known within the Temple, as I call upon you by name."
6. "MOR DIAL HCTGA, holy spirit, seed of the Unknown God! You are the magnet of the Temple, drawing unto it
from the Ethyrs the forces of Earth. Indwell the crown of this Temple, MOR DIAL HCTGA, so that the forces of
Earth shall ever flow into it."
7. "ICZHIHAL, thou great and terrible King who dwells in the center of the Tablet of Earth! Thou who does express
the force of the male within the Tablet! Thou Sun, who does blind all with your light! Hear me, and come unto me,
and send thy force to dwell in this Temple, ICZHIHAL, so that the light of the Father may ever be seen in the
8. "Hear me, ye Seniors! Ye, who are as Moons to the Sun of the King, who are as Water to His Fire! Ye who
represent the god-stars within the Tablet! Ye who do receive and distribute the seed of the King unto the lower
worlds! Hear me and come unto me! Hear me:
"ACZINOR, child of Jove, royal and benevolent!
"LIIANSA, child of Saturn, dark and rigid!
"AHMLICV, child of Hermes, bright and quick!
"LZINOPO, child of Luna, reflective and changing!
"LAIDROM, child of Mars, forceful and will-full!
"ALHCTGA, child of Venus, loving and sensual!
"Come unto this Temple, and be its roof, so that the acts of men within the Earth be as the acts of the Gods within the
womb of Nuit! Yea, ye children of the Gods, come unto this Temple, and enliven the earth with your flavorful
"Thus is the home of the Gods within the Temple built. And let Man as well have his place therein. Let the sephiroth
enclose him, and the Kerubs guard and focus him, and the Earth herself support him."
Enochian Temples
9. "Hear me, ye angels of the Sephiroth within the Tablet of Earth! Hear me, ye who are the walls of the inner
Temple, and do hide the light of the Sun therein from the eyes of the profane! Ye, who distribute the elements within
the fields of the Earth's domain! Come unto me, and enliven this Temple, so that Man may see the roads to the Gods,
and travel those roads in sureness and understanding!
"OPMNIR, bring thy fiery seed to enliven the Temple. ILPIZ, plant thee this seed in this Temple of Earth.
"ANAEEM, I call thee to pour out the waters of earth, to purify the Temple and make it holy. SONDN, do thee bind
these waters to the fabric of the Temple.
"ANGPOI, Let thy wings blow the Airs of Earth into this Temple, so that knowledge and understanding shall be
therein for Man. UNNAX, bind thee these winds to the Temple.
"ABALPT, daughter of the Daughter, bring forth thy powers of richness and abundance, so the Temple shall never
lack that which it needs for continual comfort. ARBIZ, bind thee this abundance to the Temple.
"Thus are the inner walls of the Temple established, so that the light of the Sun may be concealed, and yet seen
clearly by the eyes of Man."
10. "Hear me, ye Kerubs of the Tablet of Earth! Mighty warriors are ye, set to stand at the corners of the Temple as
guards of the mysteries therein. Ye, co- equal with the Sephirotic Angels, whose power does run from the depths to
the heights, expressing the same nature in all the worlds. Ye, pillars of the Temple, foursquare and righteous!
"ASMT, thou Lion! By thy Spirit NASMT do I call thee to appear!"
"PHRA, Eagle of the Waters! Obey me by thy Spirit NPHRA!"
"BOZA, Thou wind of understanding! Blow thee here, by thy Spirit NBOZA!"
"OCNC, Thou Bride, Earth most pure! Thy Spirit NOCNC graces thee!"
"Come ye, ye Angels, and bind your forces into the pillars of the Temple, so that they will be a defense and a focus
for the light!"
11. "The Temple is built, and Man dwells therein as the child of the Gods. Let the child come to meet his parents, in
this place of light. And let the light of the Temple shine forth for all men to see and to wonder at. And let it infect
them as does a puissant poison, and shatter their shells to show the Stars therein!
"And let these Stars light the Daughter on her way, as she rises again into the company of the Gods."
12. Let the magician commune with the Gods within the Temple. Then let him go forth to do his Will.
The Symbolism and Visualizations of the Consecration Ritual
0. Most of this ritual was given directly to the scribe by the "Angels" associated with the Tablet. In transcribing it, the
author had the strong impression that the intelligences he was speaking with were consulting a manuscript written in
enochian, translating that into some sort of thought-form, and leaving it to him to translate it into English. Thus any
lack of artistry in the presentation is probably the fault of the author, and not the communicating beings. Despite this,
I feel that the archaism and formal stylism reflects the original.
The ritual is meant only as an example, and the magician is free to vary it or write an entirely new one more suited to
his or her own methods. The only essential parts are the names invoked, and the ideas or visualizations associated
with each name. The other words and acts are unimportant, according to the communicating entities, and serve only to
fire the imagination of the magician.
As an example of a variation, the names on the levels below the Six Seniors could be grouped according to their
sub-element, and the sub-elemental keys recited before they are invoked. There will of course be variations in the
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