Rune Magic by Siegfried Adolf Kummer tr and ed by Edredd Thorsson (1993), Enochian

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Siegfried Adolf Kummer
Dedicated in Armanic Spirit to all my loyal Runers
Translated and Edite by Edred Thorsson Yrmin-Drighten The Rune Gild ©1993
A Document of Historical Importance
Editor's Introduction
Author's Introduction
The 18 - Rune Row
The 18=Rune Futhork=Alphabet
The Magical Rune=Circle
Forming and Sensing the Man-Rune
The Formation of the Grail-Chalice
Runic Hand-Signs
Important Glands and Higher Centers of the Body
Magical Rune Formulas
Morning Concecrations
Evening Consecration
Rune Banishing
Key to the Runic Futhork Table
A Document of Historical Importance
In this volume Thorsson preserves the text unaltered from its first appearance just a year before the National Socialists
came to power in Germany. Sections of Rune-Magic will be found to be controversial by some, but Runa-Raven feels
that for the sake of historical accuracy, and as a sign of respect for the intelligence of the reader, the text should stand
as originally written in 1932.
We must seek to preserve the roots of the Runic tradition where ever we find them. These roots are to be studied
and understood/or the value they have. For no one knows what wisdom might rise from these roots in the is-to-be.
Edred Thorsson
Yrmin-Drighten The Rune-Gild
Editor's Introduction
Siegfried Adolf Kummer was born in 1899 and was one of the pioneers of operative Runic studies in the early part of
the 20th century. Little is known of his life or of his fate in the wake of the historical events of the Nazi era. He, along
with Friedrich Bern-hard Marby, was criticized by name in a report made to Heinrich Himmler by his chief esoteric
runologist Karl Maria Wiligut. But what his fate was is unknown. At least one report has him fleeing Nazi Germany in
exile to South America.
Kummer lived in and around Dresden in the years before the assumption of power by the National Socialists in
1933. He founded his Rune-School Runa in 1927. This presumably remained in operation until the National Socialist
regime closed down all such organized activity soon after coming to power in 1933.
was first published in 1933 as a part of the
Germanische Scfiriftenfolge
[Teutonic Writings Series].
It is to some extent a practical condensation of his larger work,
Heilige Runenmacht
published in 1932.
To understand Kummer's work completely, you will have to understand the magical world of Guido von List
(1848-1919), the grandfather of the Germanic magical revival. The best introduction to List's ideas can be found in
Secret of the Runes,
translated and introduced by Stephen E. Flowers in 1988. Also my
Rune Might
(Llewellyn, 1989)
contains a historical and practical introduction to that world of Armanic rune magic generally pioneered by List.
Kummer's work largely belongs to that school of occult thinking prevalent in Germany during the first few
decades of the 20th century which is sometimes called "Ariosophy" today. (This is a term coined by Lanz von
Liebenfels based on analogy with the other "-sophies" of the day: Theosophy and Anthroposophy.) But more
specifically Kummer identified himself as an
the school founded by Guido von List. Three of the most
important general tenets of Armanism are:
1) All dualities, such as those between the body and the soul, or between humanity and nature, are both real at one
level and only apparent at another. There is a singular essence, but it finds itself in differing conditions, which cause it
to appear in various forms. But the
are in turn also real. This is the key to why techniques for the
modification of physical conditions (eugenics, gymnastics, etc.) are seen in spiritual terms by Armanists.
2) All things in the cosmos are subject to a threefold cyclical process of Arising-Being-Passing away to new
 Arising: Birth-Life-Death/Rebirth. This is the key to the evolution of the individual and of the ethnic unit.
3) Ancient Armanic cultural features were not wiped out by the coming of Christianity—but found refuge in the
symbolism used by the church itself and in folk customs. Today these await decoding that they may once again live in
their rightful place.
These tenets are further explained in S. E. Flowers' introduction to Guido von List's
The Secret of the Runes.
Examples of all of them can be found in the pages of Kummer's
The idea of "Ariosophy" as such also involves the Theosophical notion of there being an evolutionary process at
the leading edge of which the "Aryan" stands. Ariosophy also includes the specific idea that there was a time period in
which "god-men" and "beast-men" existed as separate species, but that at a certain time in the distant past they began
to interbreed—resulting in the present form of homo sapiens. Ariosophy preaches the necessity of "breeding out" the
"beast-man" characteristics to return to the former divine state of the "god-man."
There are several statements made, or sentiments expressed, by S. A. Kummer in the text of
might be found to be "offensive" by the politically correct, and some that are factually erroneous. Rather than
censoring Kummer, or arbitrarily editing him, we have translated his work as it stood in 1933. This is in keeping with
the general editorial philosophy of the publisher not to "sanitize" controversial works. It is felt that the documents will
have more historical, as well as intellectual, value if they are allowed to speak for themselves. Notes have been added
to the text where warranted.
When translating any of the Ariosophical literature there are always problems regarding word-plays the original
writers use, which may be impossible to represent in English terms. Where possible cognate translations are used
which preserve the sound correspondences or word-play. But sometimes other solutions' must be found. Words
appearing in square brackets [ ] are information not belonging to the translation proper but which has been included by
the editor. This is often an original German word, the form of which may be helpful to the understanding of the
magical or poetic logic of the text. Or bracketed words may be etymological translations of certain "magical words" or
names in the original German text. These measures have been found to be necessary in the translation simply because
so much of the linguistic magic of the
is dependent on similar sounding words or folk-etymological word-
Edred Thorsson
Austin, Texas February 1, 1993ev
Author's Introduction
Rune-magic is the great knowledge of cosmic energies, the recognition of hidden energies of nature, of the subtle
heavenly, as well as earthly streams, waves, entities, and powers. All forms of higher wisdom, all secret knowledge of
the world, are but fragments, and through the course of time have been for the most part distorted and corrupted; but at
one time it had its origin in the divine, Aryan magic of the Runes. All languages of the world are derived from the
Aryo- Germanic mother-tongue, which is both magical and alive. The Germanic Runic script is the script of all scripts.
Runes are not just letters or verbal symbols but primal symbols of a living magical nature which whisper to us. These
may be experienced physically through Runic postures and dances and are useful for your own well-being and even for
the blessing of all mankind. Whoever physically forms and experiences the Runes in a pure and conscious manner, will
have great secrets opened to him, if he practices, vibrates, and dances in the radio waves, subtle currents and flowing
energies of the All. Accompanying ideal higher development, clairvoyance, astral perceptions, heightened psychic
ability and prophetic vision will arise in the Runer, in the practitioner.
In the small manuscript before you I can give only a few gems from the great treasure trove of Aryan wisdom and
Rune-magic, but these will be of great use to the reader and will lead him into the Way of the Grail. To anyone who
has greater interest in Runic history, magic and mysteries I recommend my work,
Heilige Runenmachl.
The following exercises and instructions may be undertaken only with noble and pure thoughts—the blessings of
the Runes will not fail.
Hail him who learns it!
Hail him who teaches it!
Therefore take advantage of
The blessing, ye who hear it!
 The 18 - Rune Row
Other than the oldest Runic Futhork (alphabet), which has 18 runes and corresponds to the "Rune Poem" of the
there are various other Rune-rows.
Primarily the oldest, the 18-Rune, Futhork comes into consideration, for penetrating into higher Rune-wisdom,
into the Runic mysteries, with the initiations they provide. The cosmic and magical legitimacy of this Futhork cannot
be supplanted by any other Rune-row.
The 18=Rune Futhork=Alphabet
The /-Rune,
Fa-tor = Father; generation in Spirit and in Matter, kindling a fire, fire- engendered magical force
which shapes everything; the eternal return
of the Fa-tor—pure Love which constantly works in a creative manner.
Numerical value 1.
-Rune, the
[primal, original], Rune of primal fire, original creation, primal birth, primal Spirit, original
knowledge, primal light, original position, primal cause, original eternity, primal time, origin, original writing,
judgment [or-deal], primal basis, original mother, the Norn
Uranus, primal arising, primal being, primal passing-
The origin of all manifestations is the
of the All, the
of the Earth. Urn. Numerical value 2.
-Rune, Thor; thurs, thorn. Thorn is Will and Deed. Donar = Don-Aar, the singing sun, the thunder, Thor's
hammer. The Thorn of Fate, the Thorn of Life, but also the Thorn of Death which leads to rebirth; no Life without
Death, no Death without Life. Sleeping Beauty, who is awakened by the Thorn of Life. The Gate (The Golden Gate
and the Gate of Misfortune in folk tales.)
Numerical value 3.
East, Easter, Ostara, the goddess of Spring.
is the rune of spiritual speech, of power, of
language; through spiritual regeneration, every negative force can be overcome. Os = womb,
conceives—that which is conceived by Spirit and Love becomes a reality. Numerical value 4.
counsel [rede], wheel [flarf], red, rita, rota— holy, invulnerable, innate Righteousness. Cosmic
rhythm, whispering, raging, rolling, rubbing, rustling, etc. The Savior
the Righteous, the Rider [Knight], the
Ararita, the Law, the symbol of the All-Rite. The Rune of Righteousness and Integrity. Numerical value
is the Rune of Cause and Effect, of poetic justice. Its sound,
indicates to spiritual and physical
ability, to cures, art [
], those who
king, queen,
Kun, Kano,
the canoe as a feminine symbol; Arkona, the
Knowing One, the Norn. Kala,
the secret of traditional Knowledge.
, the Rune of pure, conscious, racial
generation and multiplication. Numerical value 6.
Hag-All. All-Hag, God-All, Walhalla, World-All, Man-All; hedge, enclose, hem in, to hide
within one's self, to include everything, the key to all rowning-Runes, to the great and holy All. The
is the
World Rune, the World-Tree, around the midpoint of which the whole spiritual and physical world revolves. The Rune
of the holy seven, of sense, of sounds, of colors, of harmony, of the eternal wisdom in the divine, all- encompassing
Self. Numerical value 7.
naut, nit,
is the Rune of Need and Death, necessity, the necessity of Fate; the Rune of the
Norns who spin the threads of Fate. The compulsion of Fate, a necessity which a self-imposed trial by Need helps to
unburden. Necessity guides the transformation to higher spiritual and astral levels, as well as to rebirth. Become a true
helper and healer and thou wilt outgrow Need and Death. Numerical value 8.
I [Self],
is the Rune of the conscious Self, of self-mastery, of wise magic. It corresponds to the
One, to Unity, to the great Union. The One is the most complete of all numbers; it also represents the divine, conscious
human being.
The /s-Rune is the ninth Rune in the Runic alphabet, and indicates the magical Nine of completion. It is the Rune
of the upright, enterprising, conscious leader and magician. Its symbol is the World Axis, the Irmin-column = Irminsul.
Numerical value 9.
Aar [eagle], the Eagle of the Sun, nobleman, Aryan, Arman, the Son of the Sun. Aar- fire =
primal fire, the Son of God. Harmony == Ar-mony. Ar = acre [field], Ar- Arahari, the spiritual Sun; Arimann, the Sun-
 Man, the Aryan. The Ar-Rune is also the rune of the healer, the physician [Arzt], Numerical value 10.
-Rune, Sig, Sal, Sol, the Rune of the Sun's power, of victory
Sal and Sig = Well-being and victory; of
the Light, of the Hale, of the soul, of the kindling, lightning;
= the sunlight; the Sieve, the Seventh (head of the
ruling council), the clan of blood-kin. The 5;jf-Rune is the rune of the fighter and the victor; it provides victory and
makes the enemy cowardly, weak and powerless. Numerical value is 11.
is the Rune of good fortune, of spiritual victory, of rebirth, of creation, but also of destruction and
eternal change; Thor, Tyr, Tiu, Zir, Teut. It is the Rune of the Teut = Teut-ons =
[Germans]. It indicates a
concealment, disguise; also within it operate the Three: Arising-Being-Passing away to new Arising- therefore turning,
twisting, striving ever upward.
the Third, the threefold power. The spiral current, the cosmic rhythm; the arrow-
and lance-head in the shape of the Tyr-Rune. Numerical value 12.
bier, birth, bearing Life.
Bar =
song, Bard = singer; revelation = birth of the Spirit. Bourn
spring, spring of health; but also stretcher, bier, being imprisoned, leaking away.
the breast, the womb of the
Mothers. The Rune of birth and procreation, concealment, being hidden, burrowing.
that is, the thrice
reborn. The .Bar-Rune lays bare to us the idea of Birth originating in primal Birth. Numerical value 13.
The /-Rune,
lagu, laug, means Life, law of Life, liver, restoration, lye, leaves, Lagu = sea, laughter, lake. Also,
love, loftiness, light, ardor
light of Life, insight into Life, the lantern, enlightenment, refreshment, loudness,
spring-time [2-cn^], linden-tree, sorrow
lore; lead = learning.
the Rune of initiation, but also the Rune of
experiences and examinations.
Luev, Leb, Lew,
lion. The heraldic beast of all Life is the kalafied*
-Rune. Numerical value 14.
exhorts us and whispers to us that we should become conscious of our inner God-spark, our
higher Selves.
the German leader who stems from Manus, from the Spirit of God Himself (Dio = Teut =
German), Son of God.
the Rune of the breath, of truth, of power and the positive force of mankind. The Rune
of the Spirit and the Soul, of the Body—of awakening, working, governing, passing away,
arising anew
spiritually—which the three limbs striving upward also indicate. Manus is the mystical tribal father of the
[the Germanic folk]. The mysterious Amen, Omen, Om are derived from the old Nordic, Germanic root
means the God-man, the Spirit-Man. Numerical value 15.
* kala = Secret, concealment,
The y-Rune,
wrong, error, iris, yew tree. This Rune means misunderstanding, confusion, insanity, reversal,
denial, destruction, overthrow, temptation, erroneous lust in love. The erring human, standing on his head. The Rune of
erring love, of sorrow and of lust; joy and pain, laughing and weeping. Numerical value 16.
Eh, Ehe
[marriage] = eternal, the true, procreation, the Law of Nature, which is fulfilled between man
and wife. The two Selves, two lives which by pure Love bind together themselves in marriage, merge, and through
mutual spiritual and physical re-polarization attain a higher life. The £7te-Runc is the great Rune of Love, which will
in future times bring us to the zenith of our Germanic race.
Numerical value 17.
Ge, Gea, Geo = Earth, God, gift, giver,
the Rune representing the Fyrfos, the swastika,
the fire of Love, constant re-creation and eternal rebirth.
the altar of the All-Father, the Giver; the
Giver-Rune, in which is contained the Mal- cross [the "times-sign"], the crossing, the marriage of two Selves, of two
is the Eternal in human hearts.
Gibur Arahari! =
Man, be one with God!—or—Give us primal power,
Soul of the Sun, Arahari! Numerical value 18.
Editors Notes
Heilige Runenmacht
remains untranslated. Originally published by the Uranus Verlag in Hamburg, 1932.
[2] Based on the "Havamal" stanza 165.
[3] This is a magical formula in the heraldic language of Guido von List. Its meaning is: "All victory for those
conscious of the Divine Secret."
[4] See the "Havamal" stanzas 138-165 in the
Poetic Edda.
[5] Here the Nietzschean formula
ewige Wiederkehr
is used.
[6] The significance of the formula of Arising-Being-Passing away to new arising
neuen Entstehen]
is an important one developed by G. v. List.
[7] From the tale of
Frau Holle
in the collection by the Brothers Grimm.
is a Sanskrit word borrowed by Guido von List to indicate the secret of the systematic permutations of
esoteric meanings of words.
[9] Here the first person pronoun,
"I," is used as a noun— which is how Sigmund Freud referred to the Ego in
German terminology:
das Ich,
"the 'I.'" The concept of the "ego" for the Armanen is a more comprehensive one
involving the entire Self.
[10] Here and in the following section Kummer betrays the Neoplatonic basis for many of his underlying ideas.
[11] The practice of
involves certain permutations of the meanings of words which conceal their meanings
from the uninitiated. See note 8 above.
[12] Tills is an obvious reference to the quasi-mystical eugenic dreams common among contemporary
identified by Guido von List as the rock of Gibraltar.
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