Rozdział 9 - Układ elektryczny,

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Electrical system
Alternator - removal and installation ......................... 33
Alternator stator coils - check .............................. 34
Battery - charging ....................................... 4
Battery - removal, installation, inspection and maintenance ....... 3
Brake light switches - check and replacement ................. 14
Charging system - leakage and output test ................... 32
Charging system testing - general information and precautions ... 31
Clutch diode - check and replacement ....................... 25
Clutch switch - check and replacement ...................... 24
Coolant temperature gauge and sender -
check and replacement ....................... .see Chapter 3
Cooling fan and thermostatic switch -
check and replacement ....................... .see Chapter 3
Electrical troubleshooting ................................. 2
Fuel pump - check, removal and installation ................... 27
Fuses - check and replacement ............................ 5
General information ...................................... 1
Handlebar switches - check ............................... 20
Handlebar switches - removal and installation ................. 21
Headlight aim - check and adjustment ............. .see Chapter 1
Headlight bulb and sidelight bulb - replacement ............... 7
Headlight assembly - removal and installation ................. 8
Horn(s) - check and replacement ........................... 26
Ignition (main) switch - check, removal and installation .......... 19
Ignition system components ..................... .see Chapter 5
Instrument and warning light bulbs - replacement .............. 17
Instrument cluster and speedometer cable -
removal and installation ................................. 15
Instruments - check and replacement ........................ 16
Lighting system - check .................................. 6
Neutral switch - check and replacement ...................... 22
Oil pressure switch - check, removal and installation ............ 18
Regulator/rectifier unit - check and replacement ............... 35
Side stand switch - check and replacement ................... 23
Starter motor - disassembly, inspection and reassembly ......... 30
Starter motor - removal and installation ...................... 29
Starter relay - check and replacement ....................... 28
Tail light bulbs - replacement .............................. 9
Tail light assembly - removal and replacement ................. 10
Turn signal bulbs - replacement ............................ 11
Turn signal assemblies - removal and installation ............... 12
Turn signal circuit - check ................................. 13
Degrees of difficulty
Easy, suitable for
Fairly easy, suitable |^
for beginner with
Fairly difficult, ^>
suitable for competent ^
DIY mechanic
Difficult, suitable for ^
experienced DIY
Very difficult, ^
suitable for expert DIY ^
or professional
novice with little
some experience
Capacity ................................................. 12 V, 8 Ah
Output .................................................. 345 W at 5000 rpm
Stator coil resistance ....................................... 0.1 to 1.0 ohm at 20°C
Regulated voltage, current ................................... 13.5 to 15.5 V, 0.5 A
Starter motor
Brush length
Standard ............................................... 12.5 mm
Service limit............................................. 6.5 mm
Fuel pump
Flow rate ................................................. 600 cc/min at 10 V
9»2 Electrical system
Fusebox fuses
Main fuse ...........................-----•-..••••••••••••
Brake, turn signal, horn ..................................... 15A
Fan, ignition, headlight, oil and neutral switches .................. 10A
Headlight ................................................ 60/55W H4 halogen
Sidelight ................................................. 4.0 W
Brake/tail light ............................................. 21/5 W
Turn signal lights ........................................... 21 W
Torque settings
Oil pressure switch ......................................... 12 Nm
Ignition (main) switch mounting bolts ........................... 25 Nm
Neutral switch ............................................. 12Nm
Alternator rotor bolt ........................................ 130 Nm
1 General information
1 A typical electrical circuit consists of an
electrical component, the switches, relays,
etc. related to that component and the wiring
and connectors that hook the component to
both the battery and the frame. To aid in
locating a problem in any electrical circuit,
refer to the wiring diagrams at the end of this
2 Before tackling any troublesome electrical
circuit, first study the wiring diagram (see end
of Chapter) thoroughly to get a complete
picture of what makes up that individual
circuit. Trouble spots, for instance, can often
be narrowed down by noting if other
components related to that circuit are
operating properly or not. If several
components or circuits fail at one time,
chances are the fault lies in the fuse or earth
connection, as several circuits often are
routed through the same fuse and earth
3 Electrical problems often stem from simple
causes, such as loose or corroded
connections or a blown fuse. Prior to any
electrical troubleshooting, always visually
check the condition of the fuse, wires and
connections in the problem circuit.
Intermittent failures can be especially
frustrating, since you can't always duplicate
the failure when it's convenient to test. In such
situations, a good practice is to clean all
connections in the affected circuit, whether or
not they appear to be good. All of the
connections and wires should also be wiggled
to check for looseness which can cause
intermittent failure.
4 If testing instruments are going to be
utilised, use the wiring diagram to plan
where you will make the necessary
connections in order to accurately pinpoint
the trouble spot.
5 The basic tools needed for electrical fault
finding include a battery and bulb test
circuit, a continuity tester, test light andja
jumper wire. For more extensive checks,la
multimeter capable of measuring ohms,
volts and amps will be required. Full details
on the use of this test equipment are given
Fault Finding Equipment
at the end of this
- removal, installation,
inspection and maintenance
All models have a 12-volt electrical system.
The components include a three-phase
alternator unit and regulator/rectifier unit.
The regulator maintains the charging
system output within the specified range to
prevent overcharging, and the rectifier
converts the ac (alternating current) output of
the alternator to dc (direct current) to power
the lights and other components and to
charge the battery. The alternator is driven
directly off the crankshaft.
The starter motor is mounted on the
crankcase behind the cylinders. The starting
system includes the motor, the battery, the
relay and the various wires and switches. If
the engine stop switch and the ignition (main)
switch are both in the "Run" or "On" position,
the starter relay allows the starter motor to
operate only if the transmission is in neutral
(neutral switch on) or, if the transmission is in
gear, if the clutch lever is pulled into the
handlebar (clutch switch on) and the side
stand is up.
Keep in mind that electrical parts,
once purchased, cannot be returned. To
avoid unnecessary expense, make very
sure the faulty component has been
positively identified before buying a
replacement part.
Caution: Be extremely careful when
handling or working around the battery.
The electrolyte is very caustic and an
explosive gas (hydrogen) is given off when
the battery is charging.
Removal and installation
1 Remove the seat (see Chapter 8) then
unscrew the bolts securing the battery cover
(four on J models, three on all other models)
and remove the cover
(see illustration).
Disconnect the leads from the battery,
disconnecting the negative (-ve) terminal first,
and lift the battery out of its box
2 On installation, clean the battery terminals
and lead ends with a wire brush or knife and
emery paper. Reconnect the leads,
connecting the positive (+ve) terminal first,
then fit the insulating cover over the positive
(+ve) terminal. Fit the battery cover and install
the seat (see Chapter 8).
Battery corrosion can be
kept to a minimum by
applying a layer of petroleum
jelly to the terminals after
s have been connected.
the cable
Electrical troubleshooting
Warning: To prevent the risk of
short circuits, the ignition
(main) switch must always be
"OFF" and the battery negative (-ve)
terminal should be disconnected before
any of the bike's other electrical
components are disturbed. Don't forget to
reconnect the terminal securely once
work is finished or if battery power is
needed for circuit testing.
3.1 a Battery cover bolts (arrow)
Electrical system 9»3
3 If the recharged battery discharges rapidly
if left disconnected it is likely that an internal
short caused by physical damage or
sulphation has occurred. A new battery will be
required. A sound item will tend to lose its
charge at about 1 % per day.
4 Install the battery (see Section 3).
5 If the motorcycle sits unused for long
periods of time, charge the battery once every
month to six weeks and leave it disconnected.
Refer to
in the Reference section of
this Manual.
3.1 b Negative (-ve) terminal (A), positive
(+ve) terminal (B), positive terminal cover (C)
3.1 c Lift the battery out of its case
5 Fuses -
;; check and replacement
Inspection and maintenance
The battery fitted to the models covered
in this manual is of the maintenance-free
(sealed) type and therefore requires no
maintenance as such. However the
following checks should still be regularly
4 Check the battery terminals and leads for
tightness and corrosion, if corrosion is
evident, disconnect the leads from the
battery, disconnecting the negative (-ve)
terminal first, and clean the terminals and lead
ends with a wire brush or knife and emery
paper. Reconnect the leads, connecting the
negative (-ve) terminal last, and apply a thin
coat of petroleum jelly to the connections to
slow further corrosion.
5 The battery case should be kept clean to
prevent current leakage, which can discharge
the battery over a period of time (especially
when it sits unused). Wash the outside of the
case with a solution of baking soda and
water. Rinse the battery thoroughly, and then
dry it.
6 Look for cracks in the case and replace the
battery if any are found. If acid has been
spilled, neutralise it with a baking soda and
water solution, then dry it thoroughly. Make
sure the battery vent tube is routed correctly
and is not kinked or pinched.
7 If the motorcycle sits unused for long
periods of time, disconnect the cables from
the battery terminals, negative (-ve) terminal
first. Refer to Section 4 and charge the battery
once every month to six weeks. Refer to
in the Reference section of this
8 The condition of the battery can be
assessed by measuring the voltage present
at the battery terminals. Connect the
voltmeter positive (+ve) probe to the battery
positive (+ve) terminal and the negative (-ve)
probe to the battery negative (-ve) terminal.
When fully charged there should be
approximately 13 volts present. If the voltage
falls below 12.3 volts the battery must be
removed, disconnecting the negative (-ve)
terminal first, and recharged as described
below in Section 4.
4 Battery
- charging
1 Most circuits are protected by fuses of
different ratings. All fuses except the main
fuse are located in the fusebox which is
situated in between the handlebars on J, K
and M models, and behind the right-hand side
panel on P, S and T models
On all models the main fuse is
located behind the left side of the rear cowl
and is incorporated in the starter relay.
2 To gain access to the fuses, on J, K and M
models unscrew the two fusebox cover
screws and remove the cover; on P, S and T
models remove the right-hand side panel and
unclip the fusebox lid
(see illustration).
fuses are labelled for easy identification. To
access the main fuse, remove the rear cowl
(see Chapter 8), then unclip the wiring
connector on the top of the starter relay
Caution: Be extremely careful when
handling or working around the battery.
The electrolyte is very caustic and an
explosive gas (hydrogen) is given off when
the battery is charging.
1 Remove the battery (see Section 3).
2 Honda recommend that the battery is
charged at a maximum rate of 0.9 amps for 5
hours. Exceeding this figure can cause the
battery to overheat, buckling the plates and
rendering it useless. Few owners will have
access to an expensive current controlled
charger, so if a normal domestic charger is
used check that after a possible initial peak,
the charge rate falls to a safe level
illustration). Note:
In emergencies Honda
state that the battery can be charged at a
higher rate of 4.0 amps for a period of I hour.
However, this is not recommended and the
low amp charge is by far the safer method of
charging the battery.
Caution: If the battery becomes hot during
charging stop - further charging will cause
5.1 a Fusebox - J, K and M models
4.2 If the charger doesn't have ammeteir
built in, connect one in series as shown.
DO NOT connect the ammeter between
the battery terminals or it will be ruined
5.1b Fusebox - P, S and T models
9»4 Electrical system
5.2a On P, S and T models, unclip the lid to access the fuses
5.2b The main fuse (arrow) is under
the relay
3 The fuses can be removed and checked
visually. If you can't pull the fuse out with your
fingertips, use a pair of needle-nose pliers. A
blown fuse is easily identified by a break in the
(see illustration).
Each fuse is clearly
marked with its rating and must only be
replaced by a fuse of the correct rating.
Caution: Never put in a fuse of a higher
rating or bridge the terminals with any
other substitute, however temporary it may
be. Serious damage may be done to the
circuit, or a fire may start. If the spare
fuses are used, always replace them so
that a spare fuse of each rating is carried
on the bike at all times. A spare main fuse
is located in the bottom of the starter relay.
4 If a fuse blows, be sure to check the wiring
circuit very carefully for evidence of a short-
circuit. Look for bare wires and chafed,
melted or burned insulation. If a fuse is
replaced before the cause is located, the new
fuse will blow immediately.
5 Occasionally a fuse will blow or cause an
open-circuit for no obvious reason. Corrosion
of the fuse ends and fusebox terminals may
occur and cause poor fuse contact. If this
happens, remove the corrosion with a wire
brush or emery paper, then spray the fuse end
and terminals with electrical contact cleaner.
6 Lighting system - check
the connector attached to the neutral switch
under the left-hand side of the engine. If
battery voltage is present, refer to Section 22
for the neutral switch check and replacement
7 If no voltage is indicated, check the wiring
between the switch and the bulb for open-
circuits and poor connections.
Oil pressure warning light
8 See Section 18 for the oil pressure switch
1 The battery provides power for operation of
the headlight, tail light, brake light and
instrument cluster lights. If none of the lights
operate, always check battery voltage before
proceeding. Low battery voltage indicates
either a faulty battery or a defective charging
system. Refer to Section 3 for battery checks
and Sections 31 and 32 for charging system
tests. Also, check the condition of the fuses
and replace any blown fuses with new ones.
If the headlight fails to work, check the fuse
first with the key "ON" (see Section 5) and the
bulb, then unplug the electrical connector for
the headlight (see Section 7) and use jumper
wires to connect the bulb directly to the
battery terminals. If the light cornes on, the
problem lies in the wiring or one of the
switches in the circuit. Refer to Section 20 for
the switch testing procedures, and also the
wiring diagram at the end of this Chapter.
Tail light
3 If the taillight fails to work, check the bulbs
and the bulb terminals first, then the fuses.
Check for battery voltage at the tail light
connector. If voltage is present, check he
earth circuit for an open or poor connectior.
4 If there is no voltage, check the wir ng
between the light and ignition switch, tt en
check the switch. Also check the light switch.
Brake light
See Section 14 for the brake light swifch
checking procedure.
Neutral indicator light
6 If the neutral light fails to operate when the
transmission is in neutral, check the fuses and
the bulb (see Sections 5 and 17). If they are in
good condition, check for battery voltage at
• -
7 Headlight bulb and sidelight §^>
bulb - replacement
The headlight bulb is of the quartz-
halogen type. Do not touch the bulb glass as
skin acids will shorten the bulb's service life. If
the bulb is accidentally touched, it should be
wiped carefully when cold with a rag soaked in
methylated spirit and dried before fitting.
Warning: Allow the bulb time to
cool before removing it if the
headlight has Just been on.
1 Unscrew the three screws securing the
headlight rim to the headlight shell, and ease
the rim out of the shell
(see illustration).
5.3 A blown fuse can be identified by a
break in its element
7.1 The headlight rim
is secured to the
shell by three screws
Electrical system 9«5
7.2 Disconnect the connector and remove
the rubber cover
7.3 Release the clip and remove the
headlight bulb
7.4 Make sure the three tabs fit correctly
into the slots (arrows)
7.5 Fit the rubber cover with the
TOP mark uppermost
7.6 Make sure the rim is correctly aligned
with the shell
7.8a Remove the sidelight bulbholder
from the headlight...
7.8b . .. and remove the bulb
from the holder
8.3a Free the wiring and pull it through the
hole in the back of the shell
8.3b Headlight-to-bracket boit (A),
bracket-to-frame bolts (B)
2 Disconnect the wiring connector and
remove the rubber dust cover, noting how it
(see illustration).
3 Release the bulb retaining clip, noting how
it fits, then remove the bulb
(see illustration).
4 Fit the new bulb, bearing in mind the
information in the
above. Make sure the
tabs on the bulb fit correctly in the slots in the
bulb housing, and secure it in position with
the retaining clip
(see illustration).
5 install the dust cover, making sure it is
correctly seated and with the "TOP" mark
facing up, and connect the wiring connector
(see illustration).
6 Check the operation of the headlight, then
install the rim into the shell and secure it with
the screws
(see illustration).
Unscrew the three screws securing the
headlight rim to the headlight shell, and ease
the rim out of the shell
(see illustration 7.1).
8 Pull the bulbholder out from the headlight
(see illustration).
Push the bulb inwards and
twist it anti-clockwise to release it from the
(see illustration).
If the socket
contacts are dirty or corroded, they should be
scraped clean and sprayed with electrical
contact cleaner before the new bulb is
9 Install the new bulb in the bulbholder by
pressing it in and twisting it clockwise. Press
the bulbholder back into the headlight.
Check the operation of the sidelight, then
install the headlight rim into the shell and
secure with the screws
(see illustration 7.6).
Headlight assembly -
removal and installation
1 Remove the three screws securing the
headlight rim to the headlight shell, and ease
the rim out of the shell
(see illustration 7.1).
2 Disconnect the wiring connector from the
headlight bulb and pull the sidelight
bulbholder out of the headlight
illustrations 7.2 and 7.8a).
3 To remove the headlight shell, free the wiring
inside the shell from any clamps and ease it out
the back of the shell, then unscrew the bolts
securing the shell to the brackets and remove
the shell
(see illustrations).
If necessary,
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