Rubikon2 EN 2 3, Fotografia, Aparaty otworkowe

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version 2.3 |
paper cut-out | author Jaroslav Juřica
 rubikon camera obscura
paper jigsaw
Rubikon is a cut-out, which becomes a functioning camera (camera obscura) after putting together. In 1979 the ABC magazine
published a jigsaw called Dirkon, which paraphrased the at that time very popular single-lensed relex cameras. Rubikon, as
a edesign has come back to react to the digital techno...
The cut-out Rubikon was irst published in 2005 in the 8. issue of the ABC magazine, 25 years after introducing Dirkon. Since
that time it has been also published in foreign media dealing with photography. Rubikon is also used as a teaching aid at some
schools of photography and elementary schools.
The second version of Rubikon, The Pinhole Rebel is even more user friendly and easy to build. The cut-out is distributed free
of charge in PDF format and its further utilization and propagation is subjected to Creative Commons licence - some rights
The cut-out is also available for download on our website. Before putting it together, read the manual carefully, please! I will be
very grateful for any feedback, comment and idea for improvement.
What is camera obscura?
The principle of the camera obscura, in other words pinhole camera, is based on passing light rays through a small hole
(its size varies from hundredth of millimeters to a few millimeters depending on the size of the camera) that creates a picture
of the outside space on the opposite wall inside the camera. This easy principle of projection that was described by Leonardo
da Vinci is valid until today and is similarly used in every camera (even digital). The current form differs only in technological
improvements of the mechanics and the optical system and in digital cameras celluloid ilm is replaced by a CCD sensor.
Camera obscura provides very interesting picture results often caused by the imperfection of light rays passing into the camera
or by the fuzziness of the hole (optics). Thus taking a picture becomes an adventure even from the exposure until the developing
process, which is often an experiment with the light conditions.
principle of a pinhole camera
photo: Jaroslav Juřica, Brno - Denisovy sady, 2005 / photographed by Rubikon
photo: Alžběta Čechová, China - Forbidden city, 2006 / photographed by Rubikon
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© Jaroslav Juřica, 2010,,
rubikon camera obscura
paper jigsaw
instructions for gluing the camera
Preparation (how to correctly print the PDF, tools, marking)
To achieve best results I recommend you to adhere the following
process: Then, it is important to keep ixed page proportions for
printing. In the printing window in Adobe Reader (shortcut CTRL + p)
choose None (keep proportions – see picture) in the Page Scaling
option. To set up print quality follow the brand instructions of the
paper used for the printer (I recommend to print on mat photo paper in
highest quality). Than use thicker paper to make the camera lightproof,
preferably about 200 g/m2 and do not forget to print page 7 on the
back of the page 6.
To glue the camera you will need the following tools: guide gib (ruler),
cutter, thick graver for engraving bends (very useful is an empty biro),
paper glue and small brush for coating the glue. I also recommend to
use a thin metal sheet about 12 x 12 mm for the pin hole (optics), which
will ensure sharper photographs – an aluminium sheet from a can is
ideal. For a sliding pin you will need one paperclip.
The last but not least is cassette with 35 mm ilm on which you will take
your pictures. Try to ind one more empty cassette where you will reel
up photographed pictures. You should get it for free at any photo shop,
where photographs are developed.
print set-up
Exposition and camera set-up
One turn by the transport pivot (the sliding pin) slides the ilm by one image. Since locking the back cover would be another
technically demanding factor, I just recommend you to seal up the cover with a scotch tape in a way it can be used again.
You can apply two methods to set the exposure time:
To achieve a rough exposition: Follow the icons of the Sun and clouds under the table. For exposure you can experiment with
the following values: sunny (4 – 12 sec.), cloudy (12 – 30 sec), artiicial light (30 sec – 30 min).
To achieve a precise exposition: use the predetermined values in the table on the back of the camera. To ind out the exposure
time use an exposure meter which is embedded in all relex cameras or use an external one. Set up ISO sensitivity of your ilm
in the exposure meter and determine the shutter speed value for a diaphragm of 22. Find this value in the irst row of the table
on the back of the Rubikon. The number underneath is the exposure time you were looking for.
note to release 2.3:
- page 7. added. Black areas ensures higher light prooing of the camera.
- whole colour of the camera body inverted to maintain light prooing.
- cylinder sliding pin replaced by lat one made of paperclip.
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© Jaroslav Juřica, 2010,,
 Instructions for gluing the camera
Main body assembly
For better results
use metal sheet.
(beverage can)
make a pinhole about 0.3 mm
Lens assembly
Body and objective assembly
main body
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© Jaroslav Juřica, 2010,,
Sliding pin
Pressure box
Assembling ilm cassettes
Inserting ilm into the camera
sliding pin
pressure box
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© Jaroslav Juřica, 2010,,
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