Rybiński K., Ekonomia
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//-->Homee-economyglobalizationintellectual capitalmonetary policyUncategorizedEN|EN + PL|PLTAGS CLOUDdebtECB elections EUeurofiscal-policyglobalizationgovernm entinnovation intellectual capitalmonetary policypensionsPolandrecession reformstaxesTuskUSAC hinacrisisMission and visionAbout meLectures and speechesEkonomia w MatriksieNew sletterResources«Robot kills human, again. Expect morerobots killing humans.Flickr pictures (Greece)OXI, hi, hi, hi …..July 6th, 2015by rybinski | Posted in:UncategorizedThe great nation that gave birth to Aristotle, Socrates and Plato, that shaped ourW estern civilization, that w as a root of modern democracy, just show ed a middle finger topagans from the North. In 1000 years people w ill still read and quote Greek philosophers,w hile Mercedeses and BMW s of today w ill be forgotten, w ill turn into bags of rust anddust. ECB, led by banksters’ nominees w ill be a laughable episode, barely mentioned ineconomic history books. Troika w ill be remembered as a restaurant name in Moscow ,w here they served great vodka and black caviar.You did just great, our Greek fellow s, by telling OXI to banksters. They ripped your nation.First they come to you and say, please borrow as much as you w ish, w e w ill give you themoney. W ant higher pensions, good, w e w ill finance it. W ant higher w ages, no problem,here is the money. W anna build highw ays to now here, bang, another check. Buy oursubmarines, here is new credit line. Time passes, they come again and say, your debt istoo high, no w orry, w e w ill use creative accounting to hide it, w e w ill teach you how to doit, just pay us few billion euro for this service. Time passes and crisis hits. No w orry, w ew ill continue to “help you”, w e w ill make more billions speculating on your country, w hileyou w ill suffer, implementing so called “reforms”. Remember, w e are banksters and w eare here to help you. W e do the w ork of Gods. W e live in Olympus.No vote finally ends this absurd story. The time has come to say good bye to eurozone,print drahma, devalue and become price-competitive again. Take the future in you hands,w ho are they, Boss-w earing-suits, to tell you w hat you should do, w hat values should beyours. These pagans. Stand on your ow n feet and decide. Either you w ill choose your ow nreforms and become a successful nation, or you make bad choices and w ill perish. Butthese w ill be your ow n sovereign choices.The home of W estern democracy, culture and science should not be a banksters’ puppet.No more.All photos on Creative Commons license.Recent PostsOXI, hi, hi, hi …..Robot kills human, again. Expect more robotskilling humans.Ouzo crisis and its far reaching implicationsW hat Europe should learn from KazakhstanKuPiSNow y ciekaw y św iat10,000 w asted hoursAftershocks in Polish politicsPoland and Europe after presidential electionsHigher education in the 21st centuryRecent resourcesCivitas-Christiana-pazdziernik-2014GUS_prognoza_ludnosci_na_lata_2014_2050NBP_projekt_zmian_w _ustaw ieGallupReport-Rybinski_longRazumkov_Crimea_Security_2011Razumkov_Crimea_2012Razumkov_NATO_UKR_2012Razumkov_UKR_RUS_EU_issues_2012Razumkov_RUS_UKR_military_cooperationNATO_Gogolew ska_RUS_UKR_POL_armies_old_reportShare:Like43Tags:banksters, eurozone, Greece, NOYou can follow any responses to this entry through theRSSfeed. You can leave areply,ortrackbackfrom your ow n site.Comments:18comments »Leave a replyBlogrollBrixenGreg MankiwKsiążka Go Global!Moje artykuły naSSRNRaport o lobbystachRybinski TVFTKsiążka – Ekonomiaw matriksieMark ThomaNEU – Kazakhstanonline new spapersRybiński na FBsejmometr.plArchives2015:1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 122014:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 122013:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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