Rummel R.J., Różne

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Praise for books by Nobel Peace Prize finalist
R. J. Rummel
"26th in a Random House poll on the best nonfiction book of the 20th Century"
Random House (Modern Library)
“. . . the most important . . . in the history of international relations.”
John Norton Moore
Professor of Law and Director,
Center for National Security Law, former Chairman
of the Board of Directors of the U. S. Institute of Peace
“. . . among the most exciting . . . in years.”
Jim Powell
“. . . most comprehensive . . . I have ever encountered . . . illuminating . . . .”
Storm Russell
“One more home run . . . .”
Bruce Russett, Professor of International Relations
“. . . has profoundly affected my political and social views.”
Lurner B Williams
“. . . truly brilliant . . . ought to be mandatory reading.”
Robert F. Turner, Professor of Law, former
President of U.S. Institute of Peace
". . . highly recommend . . . ."
Cutting Edge
“We all walk a little taller by climbing on the shoulders of Rummel’s work.”
Irving Louis Horowitz, Professor Of Sociology
". . . everyone in leadership should read and understand . . . ."
“. . . exciting . . . pushes aside all the theories, propaganda, and wishful thinking . . . .”
“. . . world's foremost authority on the phenomenon of ‘democide.’”
American Opinion Publishing
“. . . excellent . . . .”
Brian Carnell
“. . . bound to be become a standard work . . . .”
James Lee Ray, Professor of Political Science
“. . . major intellectual accomplishment . . .will be cited far into the next century”
Jack Vincent, Professor of Political Science.”
“. . . most important . . . required reading . . . .”
thewizardofuz (
“. . . valuable perspective . . . .”
R.W. Rasband
“ . . . offers a desperately needed perspective . . . .”
Andrew Johnstone
“. . . eloquent . . . very important . . . .”
Doug Vaughn
“. . . should be required reading . . .shocking and sobering . . . .”
Sugi Sorensen
Never Again
Ending War, Democide,
& Famine
Through Democratic Freedom
Llumina Press
Copyright © 2005 R. J. Rummel
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in
any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, re-
cording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in
writing from both the copyright owner and the publisher.
Requests for permission to make copies of any part of this work should be mailed to
Permissions Department, Llumina Press, PO Box 772246, Coral Springs, FL 33077-
ISBN: 1-59526-138-9
Printed in the United States of America by Llumina Press
Relevant books by R.J. Rummel
Understanding Conflict and War (five volumes)
Lethal Politics: Soviet Genocide and Mass Murder
since 1917
China’s Bloody Century: Genocide and Mass Murder
since 1900
Democide: Nazi Genocide and Mass Murder
Death By Government
Power Kills: Democracy as a Method of Nonviolence
Saving Lives, Enriching Life: Freedom as a Right
and a Moral Good (online book)
Never Again Series (Alternative History)
War and Democide Never Again
Nuclear Holocaust Never Again
Reset Never Again
Red Terror Never Again
Genocide Never Again (forthcoming)
Never Again: Ending War, Democide, & Famine
Through Democratic Freedom
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